It's human nature that once a system is warped in order to artificially make things possible then the scam artists that exist within any minority or majority grouping, rise to the top. Reality and the personality of individuals -- not skin tones -- were the end results deciding factors.
What was correctly labeled 'Reverse Racism' occurred in this instance when meritocracy was tossed in favor of quotas. Even worse, the scam artists within minority groupings supplanted many of the good student hopefuls because there wasn't anything they wouldn't do in order to take full advantage of an unbalanced set of opportunities -- because THAT's known human nature; the fact of human nature that self-righteous, smug, and virtue signaling leftist Whites that were themselves handed the selection reigns of power determinedly pretended existed only among EVIL Whites.
But when conservatives of the day pointed out this common sense fact they were insta-labelled 'RACISTS' and thereafter ignored. So . . . it . . . goes.