But I thought you said Muslims throw gays off the roof like it's a bad thing? What happened? Or are you just throwing some random and brainless nonsense?
Who do you think invented the ESG? Yes, it's (((BlackRock))). But what do you think (((BlackRock))) is, a MUSLIM company, or a JEWISH company?
"Transgender Muslim" huh? More like Transgender JEW.
INB4: "aCtUaLlY aCtUaLlY jUdIeSm hAs nOtHiNg tO dO wItH fUnDiNg dIvErSiTy pOlItIcS, iT's jUsT a bUnCh oF rAnDoM jEwS tHaT hAvE nOtHiNg tO dO wItH jUdIeSm!!!" BUT FOR SOME REASON if the ones who were responsible for wokeness or even just ONE mass shooting, 2,000,000,000 (A QUARTER OF EARTH POPULATION AND THEIR RELIGION) ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!
Larry Fink who is behind ALL the woke madness in the world? "NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDIESM!"
Serial rapist like Jeffrey Epstein? "NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDIESM!"
Sam Fried-Bankman who is behind a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR fraud? "NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDIESM!"
War criminal Zelensky? "NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDIESM!"
Rapist, women and children-genociding butcher Netanyahu? "NOTHING TO DO WITH JUDIESM!"
*Random Muslim kills 1*? "ISLAM AS A WHOLE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!"
Just the hypocrisy and double standards we are always used to them from the so-called ((("free, peaceful and civilized Western world!"))) Every. Single. Time.