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The Golden Deceiver Subchapter: The Plan.

The Golden Deceiver Subchapter: The Plan. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
174 views 5 upvotes Made by Minos_PRIME 4 months ago in Imgflip-bossfights
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After Chapter 4...

Ove was bored.

His friends were gone, and the adults were all busy with something he didn't even know about.

His was running around Inkla Manor, he couldn't find anything to do, even inside the giant mansion.

Eventually, after hours of pointless searching, he sat down in the living room and turned on the TV.

That was when he saw it.

The News Channel, with breaking news about a strange beast...

They called it "The Golden Deceiver".
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Ove burst out of the large building and leaped through a portal to Astras house, where Essy was learning about engineering from Collector.

Ove ran through the house, and found Astra sitting on the couch.

"Ov-" Astra started before Ove lunged at her with momentum. She was knocked down by him.


Astra slapped her hand onto Oves mouth and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I know." Astra said nonchalantly. "Have you JUST NOW heard about this?"

"... yeah." Ove said shyly.

"So why'd you run in here like a little maniac?" Astra asked.

"Well..." Ove replied. "I have a plan to take down one of their bases!"

Astra sighed with a smug smile.

"Get Essy." Ove said. "We'll need her."
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Ove, Astra, and Essy were sitting around a table in Collectors basement, and discussing the plan...

"So," Essy started. "Why'd you guys pull me down here?"

"Our little goober here says he has a plan to take down the base of some of that weird Cult that's been sprouting up lately." Astra replied.

"Yup!" Ove said. "I've looked into the blueprints, and with Astras help, figured out the patrol patterns of the guards, and we have a strategy to get in there and take out the leader of their base!"


"You two realize these guys are some of the most ferocious and evil bastards in the known multiverse, and trying to attack them is almost destined to fail, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Ove and Astra said in unison.

"I'm down." Essy said with a shrug.

"Great!" Ove said as he pumped his arms in the air.

"So... Here's the plan."
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The next day, the gang was all in battle gear, and waiting... waiting for their time to pounce.

They were about half a mile from the abandoned castle the cultists had renovated for their lord. There were cameras and cultists watching Guard almost everywhere around the base, when suddenly...

Shift change. The guards were leaving their posts and heading back inside for the other men to take their place. Just for a few minutes, the posts would be empty... it was time to strike.

Essy, hidden behind a bush in the forest near the base, readied her sniper rifle and peered up slightly. She had a mischievous grin on her face as she peered through the scope...

Two gunshots, and the damage was done.

Both cameras watching in the absence of the guards had been blown apart. Without hesitation, the trio opened a portal and jumped through. Essy tore of the vent cover, and the three crawled through to the other side...

They were in.
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A few guards rushed into the room, they saw Ove and Essy and immediately shot at them.

Ove created a shield around himself while Essy deflected shots with two massive mechanical blades that she had engineered herself. Ove suddenly looked around for Astra, he wasn't sure where she was, he began to worry a bit when suddenly-


The guards had been knocked unconscious by the dull end of Astra spear.

"Woaaah!" Ove exclaimed as he let down his shield. "Sneaky!"

"Being a prankster has its perks!" Astra said with a quirky smile.

"The door's locked!" Essy said as both her real and mechanical arms smashed the door. "I know! I'll break into their databases and get the pass-codes for all the doors!"

"Yeah!" Ove said with a thumbs up.

"Yeah but what about..." Astra trailed off with a mischievous grin.

"Well, the pleasure is all yours then..." Essy said with an equally devious smile.

"Uh oh..." Ove said, he knew something crazy was about to unfold.

"KABOOOOOM!" Essy exclaimed as Astra blew the door open. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Astra charged forward, and Essy pulled out a loaded shotgun as Ove uncovered his ears.
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A few rooms later...

"Hey!" Essy stopped Ove as he was about to head towards the next room. "Almost forgot, made this for ya!"

Essy tossed a silver necklace to Ove, it suddenly wrapped around his neck and clicked as its ends connected. Ove noticed a beautiful lavender-colored gem in the center of the necklace.

"Little trinket I 'borrowed' from Uncle Collector!" Essy said with a grin. "It's supposed to amplify magic, especially the holy magics you use!"

"Awww..." Ove blushed a bit. "Thank you! I'll definitely use it!"

The next room...

The trio were fighting with guards of the throneroom, where the leader of the group was stationed. Ove was blasting magic fireballs at the guards for support while Essy and Astra did most of the main fighting. Suddenly, a third guard appeared and punched Astra down and away from the guard she was fighting with, and the other guard raised his axe up high...

Ove didn't think. He only acted on instinct.

There was a powerful beam of light, and both guards had been knocked down, severely injured and their armor blown to smithereens.

"Woah..." Astra said in sock.

"...." Essy hesitated.

"AWESOME!!!!! Nice one little bro!"

"So this is the power of the gem you gave me..."
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Essy quickly picked the lock of the door and got ready to race down the hallway to the throne room.

"Last one there's a rotten... strawberry!" Essy exclaimed as she began pacing down the hall.

Ove got ready to run after her, but before he could reach the door, a robotic claw plucked him up and yanked him back...

"Hey!" Astra said. "I wanted to talk with you about something..."

"Sure!" Ove replied. "What is it Astra?"

"So I was thinking..." Astra said as she got close to Ove and looked down at him. "Maybe after this, we could go out together, have some dinner, go to the citadel carnival, then we could head back to my house, play some games..."

Astra ran her hand through Oves hair and pulled him closer with a smug grin.

"And maybe if you're lucky... we could-"

"HEY!!!" Essy interrupted. "Cmon, I don't wanna have to kick this guy's ass by myself!"

"We're coming, just preparing ourselves is all." Astra said.

"Ok, but make sure you guys don't take too long!" Essy said as she began to make her way back down the hallway, with shotgun in hand of course.

"Well..." Astra said as she looked back at Ove. "You get my point. See you at the throne room."

Astra trotted down the hallway as Ove took a minute to stop blushing and focus again. His plan had worked perfectly so far... just one last battle... it was time.

"Let's do this!" Ove said as he pulled out his wand and charged down the hallway...
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A cultist desperately ran up to a man in crimson and gold robes sitting on a throne. The leader of the group...

"Sir!" The soldier exclaimed. "A paladin, a magician, and a mechanical knight have broken into our palace! We mu-"

The door suddenly bust open, Ove, Astra, and Essy stood in its wake.

"Get your fellow men." The man said. "I will handle them."

The soldier ran off, and the man stood from his throne. He readied his magic.

"You will pay for disrespecting our lord and injuring our fellow cultists." The man said. "However, your pain will make up for your crimes..."

"Alright, we get it, you're edgy!" Essy said.

"Hush, child!" The man said angrily. "You know nothing abo-"

The man was suddenly slashed from the back, he turned and shot a bolt of lightning, but he saw nobody there, he suddenly was slashed again on his back leg. He fell onto his knee and pulled out a dagger, he spun his blade around in a circle around him, Astra lunged back and blocked with her spear. The man shot another blast of lightning at Astra, she narrowly dodged.

Suddenly Essy lunged at the man and her blade arms clashed against his dagger, throwing them into a a power struggle.

Astra slashed at the man's back once more and he fell to his knees, but still managed to maintain his strength. Suddenly, a crackle of electricity ran throughout the room. A bright light ran up to the tip of Oves wand and grew brighter, and brighter.


The man was blasted with a powerful beam, even more so than the one he had cast before...

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the man was sitting in a crater on the castle floor. They had actually defeated him.

"Yeah!" Astra said as she stuck her arms in the air.

"TAKE THAT B*TCH!" Essy said as she flipped off the man in the crater.

"I... I did it!" Ove said, shocked. "I DID IT!!!"

Ove jumped up and hugged Astra with glee.

"I will... not..." The man muttered. "LOSE TO CHILDREN!"

The man stood a charged up the last of magical energy, and shot the dagger towards them...

Right towards Ove.

Ove looked towards the quickly approaching blade. He tried to step out of the way, but...

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Suddenly Ove was on the ground and Astra was at his side desperately trying to stop the yolk from pouring out of his face.

Essy stood in horror. She saw her own brother sitting still on the floor, unconscious and horribly hurt. She felt tears form in her eyes.

She felt something else. Something different. It was more than anger, more than a rage. It was something undescribable...

Without thinking, Essy pulled out her shotgun and unloaded every bullet she had on the man. She lunged forward and stabbed the man with her blades just underneath the jaw, and slammed him hard into the brick wall. She repeatedly stabbed him below his ribcage before jabbing her blade through the man's heart.

"Heheheh..." the man said weakly. "May the spirits of Andromeda allow my suffering to be a taste to my lord..."

"Of what he will dine upon from YOU."

Essy yanked hard and ripped off the jaw off the man before he could say anything else. Essy rushed over to Ove as Astra called for help. A minute later, Eggyhead, Omeletta, and Collector rushed through the door.

"What happened?!"

[End of Subchapter... 1/2]
0 ups, 4mo,
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0 ups, 4mo,
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No shrex :(
*SpongeBob sad noises*
0 ups, 4mo,
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If he dies I swear to god-
0 ups, 4mo,
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You'll what?
0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo
killmote shoots ove in his weakened state
0 ups, 4mo,
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0 ups, 4mo
It was his face, not his nuts
0 ups, 4mo,
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0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo,
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killmote: aw man! i couldn't kill ove
0 ups, 4mo
What did he do to you?
Also we do not care
0 ups, 4mo,
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what did ove do to you
0 ups, 4mo,
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killmote:i was going to kill ove to make data depressed, then kill data
0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo,
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that wouldn't make data depressed
0 ups, 4mo,
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0 ups, 4mo,
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What the f**k does "Y" mean?
0 ups, 4mo,
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killmote WHY
0 ups, 4mo,
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Ove is a friend of Data but Ove is not too close to her
A better option would be Sap, Data's boyfriend
0 ups, 4mo,
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killmote:where is sap
0 ups, 4mo
0 ups, 4mo,
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Traveler: I gotta talk with collector about this
0 ups, 4mo
Oh and nice story
0 ups, 4mo,
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Please don't kill ove
0 ups, 4mo,
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Why not?
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He is just a boi
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0 ups, 4mo,
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He is still just a kid
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A kid with magic powers
0 ups, 4mo
Still a kid
0 ups, 4mo
d o n o t t h e b o i
0 ups, 4mo

0 ups, 4mo
Don’t kill him until Astra finishes that sentence.
0 ups, 4mo
This is good
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