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ISIS army

174 views 6 upvotes Made by bradwell 3 months ago in politics
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5 ups, 3mo,
3 replies
Bullshit Meter | image tagged in bullshit meter | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Pure bullshit.
I’ve never seen a Christian cut someone’s head off with a dull knife or throw anyone off a building because of religious belief.
3 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
adolf hitler | I know, right? | image tagged in adolf hitler | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Did you forget why your country was established as a result of in the first place?
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
My country was established to separate us from the tyranny of George III and to govern ourselves.
0 ups, 3mo,
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1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Christ on a stick I haven’t dealt with a dialogue tree this poorly written and loopy since mass effect andromeda.
0 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
0 ups, 3mo
I got to go eat dinner. Now, at midnight!
Catch you later
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Oh no I’m referring to almanac.
0 ups, 3mo
Oh, ok.
3 ups, 3mo
They ran out of white supremacists... so the wording got changed to Christian Nationalists...

because labels matter to the sheep...
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Nah Christian nationalists just believed non whites could be hanged and have their bodies displayed or dismembered while having picnics near the corpse because they couldn’t keep them as slaves.

The jihadists believe in a government ruled by god and religious law. Much like Christian nationalism believes it should be rules by religious laws of the Bible.

Which is absolutely hilarious given Jesus himself stated that there should be a seperation of church and state in Mathew 22:21. (Cliff notes “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and matters of god unto god.”
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply stupid
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Not stupid it was called lynching.

Or you referring to me quoting the Bible?
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
What is so stupid, whether it is this example of yours or the meme of Bradwell, is anytime people use the term in writing "White Christian Nationalist" or "Christian Nationalist" , yet fail to define the term, nor provide examples of what this make-believe label used in writing is addressing?

What the hell is this Christian-Nationalist spoken of? Will anyone know one when they see one?
Please provide the minimum Criteria of yours for such people attempted to be denigrated and labeled.

God knows throughout history, since Gutenberg and his printing press, and the King James translation in the context of those times, well intentioned ignorant people have been putting their own meaning out of context, mind you, regarding Bible Quotes.

You're as free in a nation that acknowledges freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, to quote from the Bible and put your own spin on it as anyone alive today.
Who am I or anyone else to begrudge you of that God given right?

Oh, and thank you for speaking on behalf of jihadists.
That faction of "ISIS" addressed in the meme seemed missing a voice here in the replies.

*Mighty kind of someone to take on that responsibility to speak for the marginalized and vulnerable Voice of the jihadists.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Christian nationalism is a type of religious nationalism that is affiliated with Christianity. It primarily focuses on the internal politics of society, such as legislating civil and criminal laws that reflect their view of Christianity and the role of religion/s in political and social life.

In the context of America it’s a movement in favor of overthrowing our secular democracy in favor of a theocracy. Specifically Christian. I say this because our constitution clearly states that NO religion shall be established as a national religion.

It’s not made up just ask MTG, Nick Fuentes, and the likes of Steve bannon who advocate for such movements.

I correctly used one of the most Iconic quotes of Jesus from the New Testament that even non Christian’s are familiar with and you call me ignorant? Brother I was born into the Jehovah’s Witnesses and have read both the KJ and new world translation. I may not be with the JW anymore but one thing I’m certainly not is ignorant of the teachings of Jesus. And a well meaning ignorant person is far more valuable than one so in de Nile such as yourself not even Sobek couldn’t dredge you from its waters.

And what are you on about? I’m not advocating for groups like isis I like the og meme am pointing out the similarities to the taliban that Christian nationalists here in America advocate for religious law. I’m not in favor of either I’m very clearly against both and speaking out against both.
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies
First, there is no "secular democracy" too overthrow in America.
Hate to break it to you, yet America is a "Theistic Republic", since it's inception.

The point there is that in all Founding Documents of the USA, ie; The Declaration of Independence, and the 1789 Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, God is acknowledged to exist. To be truly secular humanist, one may attempt to make the case that the documents are Agnostic. Yet, by definition, the documents do not fall into that category, as those documents specifically address rights "endowed by their Creator". Not exactly an expression of being "unsure of knowing" what they meant by whom, which unalienable rights Source, or whom grants them whether documented or not.

The God they referred to in the USA founding documents, is generally acknowledge to be the God of Abraham. To English speaking Christians He is known as God. To Judaism, Yahweh (the Hebrew spelling looks like Jay-Ho-Vah, yet the pronunciation in the Hebrew language by Jewish hebrew speaking people of that spelling, sounds less American English Language Phonetic in construct, sorry)
to followers of the religion commonly referred to as Islam, the general understanding is that His name is Allah. Regardless of name, Alpha and Omega, the God referred to in the Declaration of Independence and The US Constitution is the One and same Monotheistic God of Abraham.

Read Benjamin Franklins autobiography. Ben advocates for the in his time, non-existent Muslims in America, to go ahead and come to the USA. "...even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mahometanism to us, he would find a pulpit in his service."
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Just one problem with your thesis champ….

Just because the acknowledge god as an entity does not make America a theocracy. Espec when the first amendment EXPLICITLY forbids this.

Also did you not read one word of my comment? Because if you did you’d know I’m an ex Jehovah’s Witness and don’t need to be man splained what Jehovahs name is nor its original Hebrew translation of Yahweh.

F**king unbelievable.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Well, uh, I NEVER said America was a theocracy. Those are your words in reference to the invisible boogey man of "Christian Nationalists".
Someone seems to be in the habit of speaking for others.
First jihadists, next Modda, now me.

On this line of conversation, let me extend sincere apologies for Fate's funny joke placed upon children being born unto parents whom are/were in a cult. It's not their fault.
Either a tough go, or an opportunity for growth, depending how one views such circumstance. Chin up.

Since their seems a desire for discussion on your ex expertise practice in a cult that you were born into that you had no control over, most would grant you that empathy. Yet just because Mr. Russell in the 1870's took his bible out and didn't agree with what he read, then penciled a line through every instance of the word "hell" and wrote in the word "grave" hardly makes him a scholar, nor the cult he started a religion. Now, if one rather progresses fwd in time to the Reformation of Mr. Rutherford, as he recorded himself, then produced many vinyl records that goofballs could walk around door to door as solicitors playing such recording on a record player for unsuspecting suckers to fall for, errr convert; then that is another additional discussion. So is the $950 Million dollar Corporation that is The Watch Tower.
Hardly a cause for such vitriolic outbursts of language aimed at those socially outside the cult. Especially ones that are fine with letting others figure out their own free religious practice, and thus allowing room to learn of ones self , the value of Critical Thinking.

Is it difficult for any ex Jehovah's Witness to be shunned by their own congregation and family? What is it like to be Disassociated or Disfellowshipped and the Shunning that is experienced? One imagines that to be rather demoralizing when one leaves a Cult.
What has that been like to experience shunning, if one, or ones friends have?

Just Curious.

Regarding this "man splained" idea of the Tetragrammaton.... To Be or not To Be, that is the question that Shakespeare posed in his writing... not exactly a new notion, nor mine just because I brought up the awkward state of Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Russell's agreed interpretation of the pronunciation. Yet again, they were such scholarly leaders that people often choose to Leave the Cult, be shunned and never return. Please accept congratulations on leaving. On the bright side, now you are free! Godspeed
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies
1 up, 3mo
Check out his other comments, he's doing the same thing to me, not only pretending he doesn't know what he said even when it's quoted, but asking me it as if I'm the one that said it.
1 up, 3mo
Without inquiring, how was anyone to learn of your personal relationship shared freely as with the JW cult, was one of Disassociation or Disfellowship?
At ease Francis.

Your equating a Theistic Republic with a Theocracy is eccentric semantics.
If one portends as you claim, that a Theistic Republic is a Theocracy, then so be it.

It is not the same.

What is claimed by you is that a Theocracy such as Belgium and the UK is
the same thing as the USA Republic that acknowledges the existence of God (Theism)
as mankinds Creator, in writing.

...citizens of the Republic are free to exercise or not exercise whatever practice of worship of said God one chooses, & that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of (a statist) religion

Declaration of 7/4/1776 in the first Paragraph:
"...and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,
...they are endowed by THEIR CREATOR with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS... "

and the Preamble of 1789:
" the BLESSINGS of Liberty"

... from Whom do these blessings derive?
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
*Saying that somebody is attempting to establish a Theocracy in the USA is absurd.

Especially, in the form of fragmented Christianity that exists, that somehow you and others attempt to lump into a category of scary "Christian Nationalists", or WASP's, or lumping in a Catholic like Bannon in with WASP's based on his mottled complexion. Bizarre.
There is very little they agree upon further than God exists.

For example:
The nation of Belgium, where the EU meets, has as it's official state religion, President Biden's religion, Roman Catholicism, with the Pope as it's spiritual guide on earth. It has established that as it's national religion. In a similar way, The UK, with it's Anglican/Episcopalian Church of England has as it's spiritual guide on earth, King Charles III. Effectively, the Pope of the CofE.
Protestant Orangists, originating in Henry VIII and modified by William of Orange.
These are but 2 examples of state sponsored religions, Belgian Catholic, and British CofE.

The U.S. Constitution, as you astutely point out, says that their will be no establishment of an official state sponsored religion. There has not, nor will there ever be in the USA.

It is akin saying someone is attempting to establish a Monarchy in the USA.
BTW, people are free in the USA to think and express with speech either of those notions.
Good Luck with succeeding at that, though. Or, anyone taking such seriously.

It may be just as likely that a group might attempt to eliminate religion altogether,
via Utopian Globalism ideals of a godless Marxian-Socialist movement,
in the footsteps of Lenin & Stalin, via the ideas of secular Henry Kissinger (rest his soul)
that is just as plausible a notion as an attempt at
"Christian Nationalism" Theocracy in the USA .
1 up, 3mo,
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1 up, 3mo
I'll leave that open to interpretation
2 ups, 3mo,
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2 ups, 3mo,
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They they did? Who?
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
The meme was addressing bradwell.

Would you like a turn, Modda?
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
My comment

▶️ "Modda 8h, 1 reply

They they did? Who?"

was addressing:

▶️ UrbanDwellersAlmanac 12h, 1 reply

YOU SPEAK OF? OR, DID | image tagged in princess bride | made w/ Imgflip meme maker]]"
1 up, 3mo,
3 replies
Oh good. You do desire a go at it.
Isn't this a fun dialogue ? Healthy too!
See what happens when one leaves their comments on.

Coming allegedly from a Moderator on Imgflip that as a rule Dis-Ables comments on their own posts... Maybe that is one imaginable reason that comments are disabled on high participant memers of Libweirdo-Content Garbage? Then again, that notion could be incorrect.

Many other politics stream memers enjoying some partial modicum of speech freedom on this site, might have already figured that out. But, whatever.

With ownership comes control over personal property in a free market economy. That includes everyone, even Imgflip Moderators of their own Streams. If that's incorrect, apologies in advance. One would not wish to accidently offend a dyed-in-the-wool Marxian-Socialist in this day and age, Globally.

Moderator Dis-Ables = Modda

I'll answer the 2 part question posed, "They they did? Who?" when you give us what the heck you think Bradwell or AlumaEnbo66 meant by "White Christian Nationalist." What is that?
Please define, with a few examples.
Bradwell has declined to address that initial query. One can imagine others might too.
1 up, 3mo
That’s a whole lot of words for “ I don’t believe Christian nationalism is a thing.” When it clearly is when JW of the staples of maga is putting god in your country despite our constitution explicitly stating to NEVER do that.

I also noticed you never answered moddas question of which non white people you were referring to that participated in beheadings of the crusades.

You instantly launched into an all out assault of ad hominem attacks regarding his posts and moderating other channels.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Sorry touch screen didn’t finish my comment.

Moddas posts in other channels are appropriate for such streams, marked as nsfw and do not violate tos. He also is not a moderator of this stream.

Now for someone obsessed with “healthy dialogue” could you kindly answer his question?

After all someone so “knowledgeable ” should be able to answer that on a few words without foaming at the mouth with condescension and pretension.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
You actually read that whole post?

He thinks "Modda," as in short for, "ModdaFugga," rather, "BidBahModdaFugga" (the site I originally came up with that for wouldn't allow for the uncensored original version to be used, the name coming from the Samuel L Jackson character in Pulp Fiction), somehow makes me one of the sites modz. The name itself is so awesomating, it doesn't require a green M next to it!
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Sadly I did. Thought maybe there was a method behind the madness of such a long string but unfortunately it’s just more Shapiro style flood the conversation tactics…that don’t work because when you can actually take the time to read something you can actually take time and digest it…

Unlike when Shapiro speaks and you can’t keep up with what he’s saying and he hopes trip you up on details you may have missed in the hopes of creating enough doubt he can continue to dominate the conversation.
0 ups, 3mo
I've been getting a little more sleep in recent months after getting just 3 to 4 hours a day in recent years (I sleep in the morning, but have taken lately to napping at night, because this is what my miserable convoluted excuse for a life life has come down to). So I have a little more energy now, but before I was just so exhausted, my days were like trudging through smudge, zombie-like.

Regardless, nowadays I still automatically go into that "Charlie-Brown-an-adult-is-speaking" mode in reaction to some posts, totally zoning out, unable to read past the first line, line and a half with that "wohh wohh wohh" sound wafting past my noggin,,,
0 ups, 3mo

Would you like another copypaste of what are you posted in order to guide you in the right direction as to what my question was regarding your post?

Skip it, I'll post a screenshot this time.
Hope this visual guide helps!
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies
Rinse, Repeat: Modda,
I'll answer the 2 part question posed, "They they did? Who?" when a description is provided for what the heck you mean by "White Christian Nationalist." What is that?
Please define, with a few examples.

Otherwise, one might tend to lean towards concurring with
the Meter of the merryprankster
or with what's in the Crock of the Muskegon.
1 up, 3mo,
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1 up, 3mo,
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0 ups, 3mo
Good god I don’t even think osmium is this dense…
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Your post, guy. The question is mine. The post is yours
0 ups, 3mo
1 up, 3mo
What a crock of shit…spamming the boards still won’t make it any thing other than a lie
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