"LordZerostrike98 8h, 1 reply
There literally is. They where metatherians. A separate branch. Not placentals nor marsupials. Their own lienage of metatherian mammals."
You're clearly either trolling or suffering some sort of cognitive difficulty.
Again, you're not even reading your own posts and you keep contradicting them. You're quite literally arguing against yourself in order to pretend that you're arguing against what I had posted, which are facts.
9 hrs later, and you're still arguing something that was already posted in the title.
So 9hrs later, you've still failed to be the title, as well as failed to read your own comments.
You don't even know why it's been proposed that they weren't marsupials.
And there's a simple counter argument against that as well. Haven't even gotten to that, nor ever will, because you're just making up focus arguments for the sake of argument.
This is why you were banned from this stream by somebody else, as well as banned last year from a stream that I myself had created.