"So why does his CULT pay all his legal bills an pay his personal expenses? "
Not true. At least not as written. Sources? Or just Stanley's opinion, aka false consensus effect?
For those who are willing to donate to his campaign, I think they feel he's been treated by our govt in a way similar to how Putin treats his political opponents. Maybe they feel that fighting that type of govt over-reach (well, TDS...) with their money is about the only way they can help fight a govt that has clearly lost its perspective and its mind.
"People that are using their fixed income to support a billionaire?"
Where do you get this stuff? And one link to an article on some left wing click bait site doesn't count as proof. (yes, I have dealt with you before...)
"He doesn't pay the police the overtime for supporting his klan rallies- google all of those- yes, its true."
Nothing like saying something that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have ZERO credibility for being objective. You're making this way too easy, Stanley.
"Find me an article where: Gates, Bezos, Buffett have EVER grifted"
Well, according to your media, Bezos is in the process of attempting to reduce his tax bill by about $600 million. I thought that Demontards wanted to pay as much tax as legally allowed? What's going on here Stanley?!!? The world no longer makes any sense!!! 🤣🤣
"Show me where they have made a history of stiffing contractors, filing bankruptcy, selling phony trading cards, $2 bills"
I've read all those articles, too, Stanley. Find me one where the accusations are not "according to a source", or "reportedly", or even the golden nugget, "allegedly..." You can't do it!
You've got nothing but false consensus effect and incredibly disappointing habit of believing everything you read that's anti-Trump. I thought (well, hoped) you could do better with your reply.
"He is slimy."
Tell me how you really feel, Stanley. 🤣 And while you're at it, please explain how a comment like that gives you any credibility as far as being objective?