Soon Calais enters a hallway, a hallway on fire, Calais’ eyes quickly adjust to the flames and her body adjusts to the heat. Calais walks through the hallway when she suddenly sees a ball of fire explode and a pair of massive wings appears from the fire. Calais sees the wings and gets ready to fight when suddenly a swan’s head and hat on fire appears from the fire.
“Oh no… father sent him… him to defend the exit” Calais worried
40 foot, flaming appearance, and fire causing pitter patters with massive sharp toenails appeared from the massive swan.
“Alright boy… I hate to do this…” Calais said with a straight and determined yet sad face
The swan looked at Calais with a leaning to aggressive look and even honked at her.
“Hahahahahaha no, I’ll just go ahead and find something that could help me get past you” Calais said
The swan looks at Calais with a confused look but honks with a defensive tone. Calais goes to the left, 30 feet in front of the swan, and sees 4 pathways with 1 pathways with a skull on it.
“Which one should I go for” Calais questioned
Calais went to the pathway with the Inkstone symbol on it and went inside of it.
“Let’s try this one” Calais said