Times Of Heroes(A TimeZone Sub-Series) is a superhero based, kid friendly, yet still action packed game developed by Activision, Treyarch, Rare and presented by Black Cat Studios. The plot follows 3 canines, Jackson Alexander(the fox), David Montreal(the green suit) and Brett Alexander Park(the red rings). When 3 kid-like Anthromorphic Canines gain magical powers from a shooting star, they must take up the responsibility to protect the City of Toons from forces beyond evil, and ensure Law and Order remains. They protect the City of Toons from every imaginable evildoer ranging from ordinary criminals to the Red Kobra, and even a new mysterious new wolf that is destined to destroy the City of Toons. Their pursuit for law and order will not stop until the streets are safe.
Gameplay: Like a standard LEGO game, but in first person. Controls are pretty basic and easy to understand.
Difficulties: Below, there are 5 difficulties.
- Originist(very easy)
- Not Bad(easy)
- You get it!(Normal)
- Almost Mastered!(Hard)
- Complete hero!(Impossible)
Price(in store): $15.99(all packs pre-installed)
Price(on XBOX STORE): Free, but with packs to buy(which cost $3.99 each)
Characters you can switch to, all are able to fly and have their own quirks.
Jackson Alexander's powers: Flying(default for all), Extreme Knowledge, and Stealth
David Montreal's Powers: Flying(once more default), Super Strength, as well as being able to breathe in space
Brett Alexander Park's Powers: Flight(still default), Knowledge of Magic(he's able to preform it), and even the power to stretch himself like rubber over 1 mile!
Easter Eggs to main TimeZone series: Henry Wellmann picture at Art Museum. Flynn WellMann as an interactable NPC(The ladies are NPC's as well, mainly Informants), and the old Jack And Joes, which is burnt down. No P*rnography this time!
(this one's from Batim) more Easter Eggs:If you go the sewers of the city. you can find the helmet of the deceased Robert Remington himself. and his dog tags. You can even see that Robert Remington has a gravestone which commemorates the beast.
another one is if you head to a certain rooftop. you will find Joe Goodman(the other degenerate from Jack and Joe's) and you scare him and he accidentally falls off the roof and he falls into a lava pit and sinks in. and he gives you a thumbs up when its just his arm seen. referencing the terminator movie known as Judgement Day.(neat)
Overall, this game is extremely fun, and deserves a E 10+ Rating.