Most of the communists are no different than our favorite troll-bird, they all default to deflection and misinformation that they believe to be true. Their own alt accounts confirm what they believe, because they wrote it. The non memeing commies switch between left media to do the same, they look for conformation they are always right. That sense of righteousness and the by any means necessary approach to life are proof to us outsiders that they are lost in a self-defeating death spiral. Fueled by hate, they seek targets, on these boards it is usually us, Trump and anyone that understands murdering babies impacts the entire nations future.
TDS is real, bidenomics failed, democrats, liberals, progressives, marxists, socialists are all just cover terms for communist. Just seeing those truths will cause their oversized heads and tiny minds to explode.
The right has its own problems, they are desperately waiting for some sign that things will return to normal, we are long past that possibility. No recovery is coming.
I default to the lessons of history; empire's usually end violently. They can also burst into smaller states, and some will survive without the violence, but the people are doomed to a long history of poverty, the utopia the left expects has never happened, when empires die, you will need a thousand years to recover.
I think 2024 has already shown us our future, wars, rumors of war, famines and earthquakes, most on the left will miss or dismiss that reference, but it doesn't change the truth.