NO - if the virus Killed - and the vaccines saved lives - then the numbers would have dropped in 2021, rather than climbing at non-random rates - when the strains became mutated to be more virulent, and LESS Pathogenic (as is typical for viral evolution).
There were NO DELAYS on numbering the fact, just the opposite. In real time, every death with flu-like symptoms, or pneumonia, was classified as a Covid death, as was any death in the presence of a "positive" PCR test. The problem with that, is that the PCR tests are notoriously inaccurate for diagnosis of disease, and as their inventor (Kary Mullis) often said, if you crank the number of cycles high enough, you can say that anyone has anything. In 2020, PCR tests were routinely being done at over 35 cycles, which even Fauci later admitted, would produce false positives. And so, bodies going to the morgue after being killed by gunshot wounds, motorcycle accidents, falling off of roofs, and alcohol poisoning - were all being swabbed and wrapped up under the category of "Covid deaths" along with all of the usual deaths of people, with seasonal flu.
The data from Scotland and England (where it was less manipulated and easier to get, than in the USA abd Canada, for whatever reason), showed that the Jabbed were MORE LIKELY to get infected, to go to the hospital, and to DIE - than the unjabbed. The data from other heavily jabbed areas, like Iceland and Israel, confirmed this.