I repeat, "And...so what?"
You are a cheerleader for murdering babies and you want to stand on a soapbox.
You are afraid of, have hatred for, are bigoted towards, and call for violence against embryos!
You consider embryos second class life forms.
You are Hitler to embryos.
You demand the "final solution" be instituted for the liquidation of embryos.
You are scared to admit that an embryo is alive because there's no leftist handout answer to repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for that question.
No TikTok video on how to give some cagey conflation of unrelated BS to avoid admitting you advocate the murder of babies?
I could respect the individual holding the position of those you've joined on the bandwagon of death if anyone of you could just be honest with yourself, not me, I already know who/what you are, honest with yourself and just say, "yeah, we're killing babies".
And for what? So selfish individuals don't have to accept responsibility for their irresponsibility.
But you will neither be nor can you be honest with yourselves because what you clamor for is vile and you know it.
What gives you any indication I care about looking like a good person?
That I will change my beliefs so people will like me?
That my morals and values are currency readily traded for twitter love?
That I am just like you?
Hitler, bah!
"And...so what?"