AGAIN - you're repeating LONG DEBUNKED lies - like the FRAUDULENT WAR PROPAGANDA, about mass rapes. That never happened. There is NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE to suggest that it did. for "Murder"... There has been traditionally a differentiation between acts committed in warfare, and "Murder". If we're to be even handed - then either the Palestinians escaping from the Open Air Concentration Camp of Gaza, and attacking the Militarized Settlements which ring Gaza - were engaging in "warfare" - or the Zionist Occupation forces committing deliberate acts of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing, primarily against civilians, in Gaza and the West Bank, are committing "Murder" on a scale that's orders of magnitude greater than the Palestinians on October 7th.
Now it should be pointed out that the best estimates of the killings on October 7th credit 80% of them to the Zionist Occupation and Military Forces. Just yesterday footage of a tank unloading on houses in one of the settlements ringing Gaza was released. We know from witness statements that this kind of fire was responsible for the most horrific deaths of Zionist settlers, that day. The Palestinian militants had an interest in capturing women and children, the elderly, and even fighting age men. And since "Israel" conscripts all of its people into the military - and all of the Settlements ringing Gaza are Military placements - the attacks committed on October 7th seem to be clearly justifiable under the laws of war.
Do you care about the Kidnapping of Palestinians, or just Zionist colonial-settlers? Because just as with the 1200 vs. 20,000 killed by each side, so far - you appear inclined to ignore the far greater totals, while fetishizing the much smaller tally. And please recognize that the Palestinians were seeking captives, to facilitate a 'swap', for the more than 6,000 Palestinians being held, either for political activity, or in smaller number of cases, lawful armed resistance, to an unlawful settler-colonial