Plenty of German children were blown up or otherwIse killed during WWII.
Your statistic regarding voting last taking place 18 years ago and the overwhelming majority of palestinians alive today weren't eligible to vote is irrelevant.
They gave parents and grandparents.
More to the point, in my opinion, would be yo determine why there have been no elections in 18 years. The people in power would regulate that.
I am saying if you support a terrorist organization and ignore fair warning to evacuate a war zone you are responsible for whatever harm comes to your child(ren).
Gauging from the tone of your reply, I believe it is safe to say that it is your strong belief that if your government does something wrong that does NOT allow others to kill your children.
You seem very passionate and sincere in this belief.
Taking your firmly held conviction into consideration, please explain why the Palestinian government murdered Jewish children inside the sovereign state of Israel on 07 OCTOBER 2023.