Me: if you don't wanna take the chance you'll get beat up, don't pick a fight.
The nonsense has gone both ways.
Arabs attack Israel, Israel defeats them and moves into the vacant houses.
Palestinians are wanting to do the same
Let them fight it out once and for all instead of little skirmishes with the sporadic surprises when grannies and tots, couples in love, office workers on their break are enjoying a park on a pleasant day when someone throws an empty fizzy bubblech bottle trash in a garbage can and KABOOM!!!
Pieces of people everywhere.
Time and time again.
Buses, cafes, etc.
Why does this real life scenario of terrorism appeal to you more than overt war?
Your desire to speak on the plight of the Palestinian children is great, but why do you leave out the Jewish children?
Are they lesser beings?
Is it that you simply do not care about all innocent children, or that you desire the genocide of the Jews?