Proof is in each news report, you just gotta know what to look for...crisis actors are terrible and come cheap and almost 95% of the time without tears. Small towns are also used plenty of times, easier and cheaper to keep quiet. Victims are easy to produce photos of generated people used by A.I, technology has been used for years against you for manipulation and control. The numbers presented to you is a big indicator, look for 3s, 6s and 9s...usually psy-ops also contain coded gematria for masonic communication. Mass shootings aren't the only thing presented to you that's fake...those are just a few indicators, once you start to understand and see through the will see that alot of your so called world is indeed and in fact a stage.
The live stream shooting was can you not see through that one?
Alotta times the shootings are faked for division of the people, divide and conquer. Perpetual fear is also great tool for manipulation and control, also to deliver you the illusion of safety by your government. The obvious yes THEY do want your guns.
Anyways, way too much to cover, and my so called "tin foil" hat is getting heavy.