I don't trust fact checkers either, but I've been studying this and divorcing myself from Zionism ever since I got out of the army. I read a book by a rightwing populist Jew called "The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel."
Presidents on either side of the aisle have been funding enemies and boogie men for years. It's just easy to notice it when the other guy does it. Liberals don't just fund Muslims because they hate Jews, in fact there's historical context that Israel intentionally funded Hamas to undermine the PLO, who actually defended Palestinian Christians from the Israelis, not just muslims.
Israel is not our friend, dude. That's what I found out when I got out of the army. They are not our friend. A lot of the Islamo Fascism comes from our ally Saudi Arabia, not Iran. Iran was a democracy before we overthrew it and set up a dictatorship.
PS even though Biden and Obama were in charge when we funded Nazis in Ukraine, the Conservatives (particularly the neoconservatives) were in lock step with it. I have references to the Prime Minister of the ADL defending these Nazis. It would take a bit to dig it up, but it's there.