Upvoted. It suddenly dawned on me that since we are retracing Rome's steps -- and those of other once great nations that were systematically destroyed from within by their own deliberately radicalized home grown nation-haters -- it's proof of the utter failure of the leftist controlled educational system to actually educate students.
I mean a study of history lays out all of the steps point by point by point. Assuming that a student's I.Q. is above room temperature it's not all that difficult to apply the lessons learned to the nation in which he or she lives. Failure to be able to do this indicates that leftists have deliberately indoctrinated students NOT to learn any meaningful lessons from history that go against the Left's poisonous political narratives.
All of this is obvious, of course; but watching people being unable to trace a blatant trail of breadcrumbs back to their Cultural Marxist source . . . is fascinating.