Sure, here's an idea for a high-fantasy DnD campaign:
Title: Journey to the Realm of the Ancients
Synopsis: The realm of the Ancients is a mysterious and magical place that is rumored to be the source of all enchantment. For generations, adventurers have sought the realm and its infinite wealth of arcane power, but only a select few have ever returned, and those who did were forever changed. Now, a group of intrepid adventurers must embark on a perilous journey to this legendary land in hopes of uncovering its secrets and claiming its power for themselves.
Theme: The Realm of the Ancients is a high-fantasy setting filled with magic, magic creatures, and ancient ruins. It is a place of wonder and danger, where powerful artifacts and powerful foes lurk around every corner.
Setting: The Realm of the Ancients is a vast and mysterious land, filled with ancient ruins and ancient mysteries. It is a place filled with danger and wonders, where powerful forces battle for control of its infinite power.
Main Quest: The main quest of this campaign is to find the realm of the Ancients and uncover its secrets. The adventurers will face many challenges along the way, such as powerful magic creatures and dangerous traps, as they journey to this mysterious land.
Side Quests: There are many side quests available in this campaign, including quests to find powerful artifacts, gain the favor of powerful wizards, or uncover hidden secrets about the realm's past. These side quests can provide fun distractions from the main quest, and offer valuable rewards for the adventurers.
Characters: The adventurers will have a choice of different character classes and races to play, including wizards, fighters, and rogues, as they journey through the realm. They will travel the land, facing powerful foes and discovering ancient wonders, as they seek to become the first to uncover the secrets of the Realm of the Ancients.