/^^ to be fully hon3st methinks you should take th3 extra lik3 ten to thirty s3conds of your time to writ3 what term th3 person violat3d so they know what t3rm they actually violat3d, it's kind of vague to just say "You violat3d the t3rms of use." wh3n the t3rms of use ar3, to be fair, v3ry long, so I think that adding an additional note, which should only tak3 you an extra t3n to thirty, maybe 3ighty at most, seconds so that the user knows WHICH t3rm they violat3d. It could very much so caus3 a large d3crease in TOS violations, sinc3 my main complaint wh3nev3r my comments got d3let3d or my images got unf34tured was that it just told me I violat3d the terms of use in a way without t3lling me which term I violat3d or how I violated said t3rm. Also, me p3rsonally thinks that users actually knowing which t3rm they violat3d so the know wher3 to look when r3viewing TOS could caus3 a huge, or at th3 very l34st, m1n0r d3crease in TOS violat1ons.