They contacted me offsite a couple summers ago, at the time I was a young teen who really wanted to be a larger member of the stream, so I made gift art for them. They asked me to text it to them, and being a stupid kid I gave them my phone number. They texted me nonstop for the next two weeks, mostly it was sobstories about how their girlfriends keep leaving them. It turned predatory, they began asking me on dates. I told them multiple times I was a minor and I DID NOT want to be with them. They kept asking. And asking. They wouldn't leave me alone. I agreed, eventually, just to get it to stop. They then began asking for pictures of my face, and with more pushing I eventually gave them one. They began guilting me into talking to them, saying that no one else did. It got to the point I was ignoring the things I cared about to talk to them and promise I wouldn't break up with them. If that isn't harassment, I don't know what is. I've been so scared to talk about it for literal years because they had pictures of my face, and I'm afraid the texts will start again.