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Giving the people what they vote for.

Giving the people what they vote for. | I AM RUNNING
AND HYPOCRITE. | image tagged in memes,republicans,quimby | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
186 views 3 upvotes Made by anonymous 1 year ago in Actual_Politics
[deleted] M
2 ups, 1y
Guess I'll die  | WHY NOT? | image tagged in guess i'll die | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 1y,
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Insane Idiot Gavin Newsom | That's been working for me, too... But the families that I value, are a little bit different... | image tagged in insane idiot gavin newsom | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 1y,
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Innocent cat | DIFFERENT HOW? | image tagged in innocent cat | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 1y,
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Less mom and applepie... More of this...
1 up, 1y,
1 reply
Have you tried ignoring that picture?
1 up, 1y,
2 replies
That's literal child abuse you're supporting there. The hormones which cause a non-milk discharge from men's chests (Galactorrhea) are contraindicated for breastfeeding females...but somehow hormonally/chemically poisoning a baby is ok - as long as it helps a man overcome an acknowledged kind of mental illness.

Thankfully Newsom is being "groomed" to fill-in as Biden's last minute replacement in the upcoming election - and so has started vetoing a series of insane bills coming out of the Legislature, that would likely deep-six his national political ambitions. So we should be thankful for small miracles.

But let's not forget who that guy is... Ask Alex Tourk.
1 up, 1y,
1 reply
well then show me on the doll, or anywhere, where your Governor supports that practice. if you can't, your argument is what we scientists call "specious", which is a non-milky flavor of wrong.
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The idea that biological men can "chest feed", and ARE WOMEN - is a mantra amongst those following the Newsom endorsed ideology. Newsom has declared California a Trans-Sanctuary State. If you deny men living as mock women the right to "chest feed" like any other "birthing person" with a "bonus hole" - then you're a bigot and a Transphobe - and I won't let you denigrate Gavin Newsom by putting him into one of those categories.

Please show me where he's spoken out against the practice! Use a doll if that helps you to communicate.
1 up, 1y,
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0 ups, 1y

Sometimes it's the ones you'd least suspect.

But in Newsom's case, I feel like you'd be willing to overlook it, if he was hanging out with Alan Ginsberg and Harry Hay, in the Mattachine Society.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
So, I haven't seen anything about trans women's lactation differing from cis women's.

These links are mostly about a film shown to kids at schools? Allegedly? From what I can see it has some disturbing images of sexual exploitation because it teaches kids about that? It didn't have any information about how this was implemented in schools, but judging from statistics coming out being overwhelmingly positive, I'm not sure if anyone's being forced to watch it. It certainly doesn't look like it. I could be wrong?

The source you used is really biased, especially against these two specific politicians.

I googled the difference between Galactorrhea and lactation, and the only thing that came up was that Galactorrhea is when lactation happens not related to pregnancy, and usually happens to female. 5% are male.
0 ups, 10mo,
11 replies
Fact is - Gavin Newsom is a WEF Protegé, just like Justin True-dough, Jacinda Ardern, Macron, even Zelensky, apparently. And those people, are - all of them - selling-out - HARD, to implement a certain set of Agendas on behalf of Trillionaire Eugenicist "Depopulation" advocates - often interwoven into and with programs labeled at one point as "sex education" and "early education" run through the WHO and UN, associated with "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs). And this is all - VERY DARK.

So Newsom, just kicked the already highly inappropriate propagandizing and 'disturbing' of Children - that many regard as 'grooming' - up 2 the next level of weird & wrong, in a way that particularly endangers those kids who are already Vaccine-injured, and on 'the spectrum', as a result. And California's Toxic Injection mandates - pushed by corrupt Creeps like Senators Pan and Weiner - and various corrupt Assembly people like former Richard Bloom - make sure that there will be a good supply of susceptible victims. Leave the kids alone. If they suddenly have some realization - fine...Knock it off w/ the
inappropriate stuff

M-F Trans people chestfeeding, and frankly - F-M Trans people - if they're taking hormones that aren't recommended for breastfeeding women - it's a horrendous abuse of children - and let me give you some material that explains why:

"A note on the conduct of ‘the science’:
Much of ‘the science’ is reported in case studies. That is to say, doctors reporting on individual cases. There [were] no mass trials to determine infant welfare. The focus is exclusively on the male ability to produce a milky secretion. There is no clinical analysis of the secretion."
"Under any standard, this should be considered child molestation, but when biological men are pumped full of female hormones and begin lactating, it’s chalked up to science and gender affirmation.

In the same Duke University study, the researchers made sure to mention that the male “grandma” also “reported unforeseen benefits” of the hormone regimen, “including female gender affirmation"
0 ups, 10mo,
2 replies
which I mean that's great. You don't have to take anything you don't want to. But I'm not going to violate ppl's civil liberties and tell them what medical procedures they can and can't get. At least not without solid evidence.

And you really shouldn't talk about this subject if you think it's gross. You posted a picture of a trans man breastfeeding. Me talking about breast feeding kinks is a lot more tame than posting a pic of it.
0 ups, 10mo
I think it's gross... So I limit the conversation to the PUBLIC POLICY aspects. Children have different rights than adults. Parents have different rights - and DUTIES to protect and care for their children - than nonparents.

THE STATE routinely inserts itself into that relationship, between parents and children, and other adults and children - for a bunch of fairly complex legal reasons. If you harm your child - or EVEN, if you do right by your child, contrary to the 'wisdom' and judgement of THE STATE - they're likely to get involved. They may take the kid away, into protective custody, or Foster Care - or assign parental rights to a relative. And in some instances THE STATE is DEAD WRONG to do so. For instance - PCR tests are junk science - not designed to diagnose illness. There are horrific tales of THE STATE demanding that a baby take a PCR "AIDS Test"...and based upon a specious (false positive result) - forcing the kid to TAKE POISON (AZT). For "Health". And if the parent refuses - the kid is given to someone else - and the poisoning continues, until the (poisoned-)sickly child, then dies.

Or you have various cases in family court assigning custody - usually based upon belief in-, and adherence to-, the unsafe "TheScience™" around the CDC's Childhood vaccination schedule, etc..
0 ups, 10mo
The intial meme wasn't about any of this. It was made by my (now self-deleted) friend "Pythagoras2023" - the creator and former owner of this stream.

The person who inserted themselves into that conversation (also a "deleted" account, mow, apparently), to engage in some $hitLib/"woke" Nonsense and Gavin NewScum apologias - demanded that I address specifics. Hence the organic evolution of the conversation militated for my finding a picture of either wholesome "chest feeding" - or child abuse, depending on your perspective - and then making reference to it, at argument.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
If you think that picture features abuse, why would you post it?
0 ups, 10mo
Because it was available in the public domain on the internet - and it serves a valid purpose in the discussion that occurred. In short, as with the thinking behind, what I think was called "the Lemon Test" - it has redeeming social value to do so - even if it were obscene - which it is not. I might post a picture of a Zionist Soldier abusing a Palestinian child, too - not because I approve of it, or endorse it - but because I oppose it, want to put a stop to it - and a picture is both demonstrative of what's being discussed - but also "worth a thousand words". Now meaning is created in between the viewer and the picture. I hope all people will object to it... But I can't prevent a Zionist fan of Genocide and the Satanic abuse of Palestinian children - from feeling positive towards what they see in the photo.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Yeah, so there's no studies saying it's harmful to kids.

And I love that you have such a positive view on the world, but most women don't breastfeed SOLELY out of the goodness of their hearts. It's absolutely a kink to a lot of women and men who enjoy watching women breastfeed. As much as I'd like to limit bad women from breastfeeding their kids, it would still end up violating other's freedom.

Trans women and trans men breastfeeding their kids being linked to fetish in your mind is probably more due to how being trans is seen by most cis ppl as a fetish. I have many trans friends and I have yet to see any person irl with this fetish or come across this fetish online.

I'm naturally intersex. I don't take any medications for it. I'm not trans myself. Being hormonally intersex is pretty common. It's not usually medicated unless you want to make your hormones female or male depending on which biological gonads you have. Or, some intersex transgender people can have va**nas and balls, so some doctors will transition them to biologically male, so they can have kids.

Puberty blockers only work on kids before they reach puberty. They're used on any kid cis or trans who want to postpone puberty.

I love that you listen to trans people, but I've found that those kind of trans people are usually transmeds. They want to force all trans ppl to medically transition. Not all trans ppl want to medically transition. I support them as well as those that want to medically transition.
0 ups, 10mo
I guess you missed the part about 'Ewwww - and please DON'T tell me about all of that'. And yes - as I said - sounds like sexual abuse.

As for studies - no - no more studies showing it unsafe, than there are proving the safety - of doing things that the manufacturer already warns people specifically against doing. They do that because they see that there's potential mechanisms of harm. And guess what...BigPfharma isn't required to publish the results of every study that they do. So they typically don't publish studies which show serious problems with their products, even when they have them. Instead, as with the Synthetic ModRNA Gene Therapy injections creates by the Pentagon's OPERATION WARPSPEED - they only publish the results from the studies that help them sell their poisons. And if they have to RIG the studies - as Pfizer did, according to Whistleblower Brooke Jackson, they do that. And as long as the FDA and CDC are in on it - there you have "no evidence of harm" -

How do you think studies get done? They're very expensive. There's tonnes of money to be made selling expensive and dangerous drugs and synthetic hormones and hormone blockers, and surgeries - even for children, much too young to make significant choices about these things...or about, say, smoking cigarettes, or getting a tattoo. There's also a "western" (Empire) unified agenda - from the sort of Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" and "The Day Tapes" control over sex and population, on down to SDG's and Agenda 2030 and 2050, etc - and then you have Billionaires like the Pritzkers, etc. - backing this stuff. Concern for the health of babies and children doesn't even appear to be the last thing on their list.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
galactorrhea is natural. It happens to everyone.

Trans women aren't allowed to transition unless it purely for disphoria.

And that's not how trans men transition. Usually they're on testosterone for a year or maybe more, then they stop. It's just testosterone. You can't get pregnant while on testosterone.

Same for transwomen doing hormones, they do it for longer. It's also just estrogen and progesterone.
0 ups, 10mo
Galactorrhea is a very rare condition, as a matter of nature. It doesn't happen to me.
Taking a bunch of toxic chemicals that are known to cross the over into the lactation cycle, and are therefore not recommended for use in Pregnant or Lactating women - specifically to emulate lactation through galactorrhea - isn't natural - and the obvious hype and propaganda campaign to normalize ir is extremely troubling.

As for the psychological safeguards on transitioning...from what I've seen, they're greatly exaggerated - if they're even 'a thing', at all. There's a bunch of detransitioners, who complain of actually being steered and influenced, in the direction of a particular orientation or gender - often by counselors and teachers at school, and by Doctors, who stand to profit from the treatments.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
I'm actually intersex, so my hormones are closer to lactating men than lactating women. I've actually breastfed my own kid. You said there's no studies on trans women lactating, only pregnant women on EXTRA hormones lactating.
0 ups, 10mo
The studies being used to promote this - don't examine the kids. They focus instead, upon the "benefits" to the people doing that to the kids - and note that foing this isn't physically impossible. And fir what we can gather, the babies don't die instantly. But we have no evidence that this helps any baby to thrive. If we did they'd call that an RCT - not underpowered "observational studies". To me it looks like - AT BEST - Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. It may also be some kind of sexual abuse, that I don't really even want to contemplate.

It's incredibly inappropriate. Women don't breastfeed their children for their egos, or to affirm their gender identities, or for whatever pleasure or discomfort it may bring. They do it because they and only they can produce exactly the nutrients and precursors for developing an immune system, for their own child. Even using a nurse-maid is kinda weird - but perhaps necessary and understandable, under some circumstances. If people are using surrogates - that's probably who should be doing the breastfeeding, too.

I don't know enough about you specific case to make any comment. And I don't really want to. I just hope that getting a bunch of Toxic, big pfharma chemicals and hormone blockers haven't done any permanent damage to your child - though I suspect that they have.

Buck Angel is a Trans F-M hero, to many. Listen to him. He says his kid(s) has(/have) no idea about his being trans, or not having had bottom surgery, or any of that. It's not appropriate, and not really their business. Maybe when they're all older.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Puberty blockers are given to all children regardless of gender identity if they want to postpone their puberty. They're safe on cis kids.

All the medications trans ppl use, cis ppl use. I've been talking about both in all my comments.

I'm actually a detransitioned intersex person. And I know two detransitioned ppl irl. They both support trans medication. I also know countless fully transitioned trans ppl and they're all happy.
0 ups, 10mo
I don't agree, that those puberty blockers are safe on anyone. I don't agree that other medications given by Big Pfharma to people, courtesy of Corporatist Government - are safe.

All allopathic western medicine is rooted in the idea making sure that benefits of a thing, outweigh the risks. Medications like those are given for serious conditions, and rarely - not in a brand new branch of highly profitable medicine, without adequate standards of care.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Well yeah, those detransitioning stories are popular because they use fear tactics to push an agenda.

And ppl don't use hormone blockers to transition. Maybe that place closed down cuz they weren't using the normal testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen that everyone uses.

You're only sterilized if you get bottom surgery. Most trans ppl today don't want it if they are gay, or they'll hold off until after their first kid.
0 ups, 10mo
I think you're ignoring the agenda behind this huge and sudden push to promote Trans everything - including transhumanism.

I'm not focusing exclusively on stories - I know a Detransitioner. But the stories I've heard elsewhere are first person testimony - and seem to indicate fairly damning medical/psychological malpractice, and a larger pattern, confirmed by people from within that highly lucrative industry.

They give hormone blockers to children - and it's highly unethical.

Tavistok is the British Mind Control research HQ. That was where the push was originating from, in the UK. Looking at the data on long term outcomes they couldn't continue to justify it, medically.
0 ups, 10mo
Be that as it may that's your opinion, the government shouldn't ban doctors from prescribing those meds once cleared by the FDA. The FDA could pull things off the shelf if they found stuff wrong with it, but I highly doubt they'd ban cis kids from using it.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
So there's no actual evidence that it's bad for baby's you just think it's a fetish for trans ppl to breast feed?
0 ups, 10mo
There IS EVIDENCE - that's why pregnant and lactating biological women shouldn't take them - according to the manufacturer - even if they're prescribed them for "on label" - approved uses. They transmit through even REAL breast milk. It's a specific warning. Hence the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE applies. Until you've done double blind, RCTs, etc - with long term evaluation of all the babies being subjected to synthetic hormones, amd comparisons to a control group - it's incredibly irresponsible.

How much do you know about real lactation. It doesn't stay the same, from the day of birth + through weaning. First comes a very fatty, rich version - called colostrum. Then it changes as the needs of the infant evolve, over time.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
If you're of the opinion that it's bad, you're totally allowed to have that. There's just no way to legislate not letting ppl with improper hormones breast feed without making everyone send their hormones levels to the government. Or you know, just singling out all trans ppl.

And the de-transition rate is 3-1% in most studies. Studies that have higher rates usually include all non-binary ppl as detransitioning. Most ppl who de-transition do so due to societal pressure.
0 ups, 10mo
That's not the story detransitioners that I know of, tell.

The Tavistock institute recently closed their Gender Clinic. Why? Because there was no medical evidence of an improvement of outcomes, when people went through all of these elaborate and costly, and in many ways permanent (sterility) procedures.

People with naturally occurring variations in normal hormones is not what we're talking about, here. These are people who are being prescribed not just synthetic hormones, but powerful 'hormone blockers' and other chemicals which create dangers for any child that they would be "feeding" with a not-actually-breast-milk discharge. It's an apples and oranges comparison.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
Yeah. I guess I'm more of an advocate for kids rights than your average person cuz I grew up in the foster system.

But I don't think implementing policies on who's allowed to breastfeed their kid will end up being ethical in the long run. Not until we have more information.
0 ups, 10mo
Breastfeeding is fine and a NATURAL (and inalienable) RIGHT - but "chestfeeding" synthetic hormone and chemical-laced galactorrhea - I'm gonna rule - is NOT a NATURAL Right granted by the Creator, to mankind.

You have an inalienable right to Travel. But not to "Drive" or to "Fly" - which are commercial actions, At Law - and commerce can be regulated.

But the regulations and rulemaking must be JUST - or it's "NOT LAW". In considering the justness of this, the Court must take into account the rights and welfare of the Child - first and foremost. Even if the Congress or a State legislature makes a politically-based determination that this is all groovy - based upon some ostensibly enlightened reasoning about LGBTQetc. rights.. That's still subject to review, by a Court - as to whether that was a scientifically valid determination, that adequately weighs all the evidence, and properly balances the rights of all parties.

The rights of women who become "men" to breastfeed is a trickier question. But a Court might rule that men have no Natural Law right to "chestfeed" - and that when you change your "gender" - you're voluntarily changing the rights associated with your sex, or "gender" etc.. It would be a fairly conservative and traditionalist ruling - but our western jurisprudence is chock-full of precedents, relying upon such kinds of reasoning. See: VanValkenberg vs Brown, for instance.

Generally - I would hope that Doctors will discourage F-M Trans patients from taking certain medications that are contra-indicated for breat-feeding mothers - and not prescribe them, in that circumstances.
0 ups, 10mo
That's a trans man, love. I'm trans. I know the difference.
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