Excuse to poor paraphrase, Jesus warned us that there would be famine, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars, but don't be terrified because these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately. Revelation tells us there will be massive fires, earthquakes and all kinds of destruction
When THE one comes, it will be so much worse, these are warnings and foreshadowing of very specific events that have been prophecied for thousands of years. In Isaiah, God says, "See, I tell you in advance so that you can know that I am God." With 109 specific prophecies, stated 300 times fulfilled in the first coming of Christ, God has an excellent track record to back up the 2500 prophecies regarding end times.
The Great Tribulation is for the salvation of the Jews and the unbelieving world, God clearly promises that the followers of Jesus Christ will be taken out of the Great Tribulation, not through it, in an event caleed the Rapturo (snatching away) in Latin manuscripts- the rapture in Christian terminology. Makes sense to build and grow a relationship with Christ right now, rather than wait and go through the tribulation to get the message and chose Christ then (more people will come to Christ during the 7 years of the Great Tribulation than at any time in history). Two thirds of Israel will be killed during the Great Tribulation- what we've seen so far is just a small example.
The rapture can happen at any time, it isn't clearly preceeded by any chain of events, but the events after that are pretty understandable. I mentioned that in the Ezekiel War, no nation comes to Israel's aid, There are already nations pulling back from their initial support of Israel after the attacks, so as this plays out we may see all nations draw back and leave Israel all by itself against this evil (there are groups who said they would pull aid for Gaza because Hamas used the money for terrorism, not a week later they are restoring funding).
Best thing to do? Pray. Trust Christ. Get to know Him through the Bible and a Christ honoring church (not all churches do, as prophecied in the end times) and tell others before it is too late.