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People on the ground are saying this is really, really bad.

People on the ground are saying this is really, really bad. | War has broken out in Israel. 10s of Thousands of rockets have been launced by Hamas.Hundreds dead and wounded; Iranian Parliment chants death to Israel, there is a billboard that announces "This is the beginning of the great liberation"; The Taliban has announced they will join the war when they get permission to cross other nations to get to Israel with the weapons Biden left behind in Afghanistan; Iran announces it will be sending Joe Biden his 10% of the $6 billion next week; NEWS MEDIA IS PAYING MORE ATTENTION TO AN EARTHQUAKE THAT KILLED 15 IN AFGHANISTAN TODAY; BIDEN DOJ ANNOUNCES THEY WILL PROSECUTE DONALD TRUMP FOR MEAN TWEETS | image tagged in plain black template | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
127 views 12 upvotes Made by sevenheart 12 months ago in Real_Politics
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1 up, 12mo,
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This is the beginning of the end times
0 ups, 12mo,
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Quite a few of those dominoes have already fallen. This is probably among those first signs. The Ezekiel war in Eze 38-39 involves a massive attack from the north, and, most importantly, that no one comes to Israel's aid. We sent an Aircraft carrier group in, so likely this is part of the Olivet Discourse where Jesus mentions there will be earthquakes (major earthquakes--1 in Afghanistan, 1 in Mexico and 1 in Papua New Guinea when all of this started) wars and rumors of wars, but that is not the time of the end. (Bad paraphrase, but you get the idea).
1 up, 12mo,
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but honestly, though do you think this one is THE one?
0 ups, 12mo,
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Excuse to poor paraphrase, Jesus warned us that there would be famine, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars, but don't be terrified because these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately. Revelation tells us there will be massive fires, earthquakes and all kinds of destruction
When THE one comes, it will be so much worse, these are warnings and foreshadowing of very specific events that have been prophecied for thousands of years. In Isaiah, God says, "See, I tell you in advance so that you can know that I am God." With 109 specific prophecies, stated 300 times fulfilled in the first coming of Christ, God has an excellent track record to back up the 2500 prophecies regarding end times.
The Great Tribulation is for the salvation of the Jews and the unbelieving world, God clearly promises that the followers of Jesus Christ will be taken out of the Great Tribulation, not through it, in an event caleed the Rapturo (snatching away) in Latin manuscripts- the rapture in Christian terminology. Makes sense to build and grow a relationship with Christ right now, rather than wait and go through the tribulation to get the message and chose Christ then (more people will come to Christ during the 7 years of the Great Tribulation than at any time in history). Two thirds of Israel will be killed during the Great Tribulation- what we've seen so far is just a small example.
The rapture can happen at any time, it isn't clearly preceeded by any chain of events, but the events after that are pretty understandable. I mentioned that in the Ezekiel War, no nation comes to Israel's aid, There are already nations pulling back from their initial support of Israel after the attacks, so as this plays out we may see all nations draw back and leave Israel all by itself against this evil (there are groups who said they would pull aid for Gaza because Hamas used the money for terrorism, not a week later they are restoring funding).
Best thing to do? Pray. Trust Christ. Get to know Him through the Bible and a Christ honoring church (not all churches do, as prophecied in the end times) and tell others before it is too late.
1 up, 12mo,
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Thank you for all that information!
However, on the rapture part, I don't agree with pre tribulation. I think it directly goes against the Christian calling to die for Christ. So if we are going to prove our faith in Christ, and die for gain, why would we be taken at the greatest chance for this to be accomplished?
0 ups, 12mo,
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Why Noah was taken out of the flood rather than enduring it? Why was Lot taken out of Sodom and Gomorah? Why was Enoch "snatched away"? What is Paul saying in Thesolonians, 1 Thes 4:16-18? 2 Thes 2:6-8 talks about the restrainer Who is taken out of the way, this restrainer is the Holy Spirit, Who indwells believers. If the Holy Spirit is removed so that the lawless one is revealed, what happens to believers? Doesn't this suggest that believers are taken out of the wrath of God? Christ sends 7 letters to the churches in Rev. If the letters to the churches were in any other order, this doesn't work, but each church represents an era of the church through history of the last 2000 years. Rev 3:7-13 speaks to the faithful, revived church of Philadelphia, verse 3:10 says "Because you have kept my command to persevere, I will also keep you from the time of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Rev 3:14-22 talks to the apostate (fallen away) church which is the current state of most mainstream denominations. The United Methodist Church for example, has declared that they do not necessarily believe the Bible is the infallible and inerrent word of God. They deny all scripture that denounces the homosexual lifestyle and elect homosexual bishops. Since it's just a sexual preference, what is stopping them from electing an openly practicing adulterer, a murderer, a thief, or a rapist? Repentent? By all means since we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but openly practicing sinners? This is one of the lukewarm churches Jesus warns in Luke 13:25-27. After Rev 3 the church isn't mention again until it returns with Christ at His second coming in Rev 19, after the marriage supper of the Lamb (church is the bride of Christ). How does the church return if it is suffering through the Great Tribulation and not taken out? If followers of Christ are forgiven of their sins and covered by the blood of Christ, why does the church suffer the wrath of God? Why would Christ bloody His bride? We flee the wrath of God by faith in Christ.
I don't say these things to belittle or criticise you, just pointing out some of the mystery that can be understood with careful study. In the US we don't see it, but worldwide Christians die for Christ every day. We don't have to be martyrs to be saved, but we may be called to martrydom, just like Romainians during the communist takeover, when they were ordered to deny Christ or be shot.
1 up, 11mo,
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Enoch, Noah, and Sodom were all pre Christ.

yeah, to your point, Christians are murdered all the time, and Christ is not bloodying his bride. We are the only ones who are here to bring light to the people. We are Gods plan. Yes he could do it alone, but he is using us. I don't see why he would take us away when his light is needed most.
0 ups, 11mo,
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Good points, Enoch, Noah and Lot are classified as "types" of the Church- faithful followers who were taken out of God's wrath on a sinful world. Another example of types is Issac (the only son) and Abraham (the father) being offered as a sacrifice to God--which of course God did not allow to be completed, we also see the concept of 3 days travel, in which Issac was dead to Abraham, and substitutionary sarifice with the ram caught in the bushes. The OT is full of types that all point forward to Christ.
One parallel in the times of Noah and today is God's wrath was the result of mankind determining to become as gods, something the modern trans-humanist movement is claiming.. 2 Peter 2 goes through many of these types and in v 9 he says ...The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,...
Just as Israel could not completely eliminate all sin in the OT, the church will not eliminate all sin in the world.
We are called to be salt and light, but remember it is God and Jesus who are the true light. We are sons of the light (John 12:36, Luke 16:8, 1 Thes 5:5) When the Lord comes, He will bring to light (1 Cor 4:5)
Luke 18:8, Jesus Himself says ..."Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" This passage has caused me to consider how weak the church will be at that time.
One other verse to consider regarding the pre-trib rapture is 2 Thes 5:9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christians have long suffered the wrath of mankind, but the Great Tribulation (the time of Jacob's trouble) is the unbelieving world suffering God's wrath.
At any rate, does it really matter? When followers of Christ hear the trumpet and a shout, we all go whether we are pre trib, post trib, mid trib, amillenial, post millenial, millenialist. Praise God!
1 up, 11mo
I guess so 🤷‍♂️ haha
Praise God
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War has broken out in Israel. 10s of Thousands of rockets have been launced by Hamas.Hundreds dead and wounded; Iranian Parliment chants death to Israel, there is a billboard that announces "This is the beginning of the great liberation"; The Taliban has announced they will join the war when they get permission to cross other nations to get to Israel with the weapons Biden left behind in Afghanistan; Iran announces it will be sending Joe Biden his 10% of the $6 billion next week; NEWS MEDIA IS PAYING MORE ATTENTION TO AN EARTHQUAKE THAT KILLED 15 IN AFGHANISTAN TODAY; BIDEN DOJ ANNOUNCES THEY WILL PROSECUTE DONALD TRUMP FOR MEAN TWEETS