THE best, richest city on Plant Earth?
Population dropped in NYC slightly because of:
🔳 Trump's elimination of TARP deduction loopholes with his 2017 tax cut - a move intended to screw Blue States as that's where most rich folks live and would thus pay higher tax rates without it.
🔳 Ever increasing costs for housing. Houses are exceedingly expensive, and rents are amazingly high. You'd be shocked what the crummiest studio apts in the worst neighborhoods cost.
🔳 Covid sent a lot of Hipsters and other young gentrifiers back home to mommy & daddy in Ohio and whatnot. Ironically, some of the biggest drivers of those balllooning rents ended uo not able afford it when their jobs ceased, even with assistance. A lot of their cute craft beer pubs and 'artisanal' shops went under, so once lockdown ended, having to start again from scatch if they came back sorta lost its appeal. Fun when you're 21, but at 27, it kinda loses its zeal and their folks don't always have limitless $$ to fund Jr's latest hip business startup indulgences.