Like the controls and protections the NYC Rent Guidelines Board 'imposes'? Ugh, try dealing with those asswipes.
On top of that that rent stabilization and limits on increases isn't a thing in most places, so NYC is still Heaven compared to other places.
Welfare, SS/SSI/SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare, etc, are adminstered on the state level, etc... and chances are so would this. They have enough hassles with Sect 8. Anything akin to that but on a broader scale isn't a guarantee that the recipients will win out over lobbyists and the profiteers they represent. Try contacting any agency here for anything. Even the DMV is Hell on Earth. Nothing beats a GEDer with a God Complex for something as simple as getting a Driver's License. Living in a slum for two decades, I've known plenty of vulnerable, from single mothers to the homeless to the disabled, and they always get such a runaround from agencies designed to help them, many give up on programs they're eligible for or the adovocates supposed to represent and help them.
I don't know, but there's seasonal open air greenmarkets in NYC where EBT means more customers for farmers selling poduce, although getting hooked up in it and the added paperwork can be a hassle...
The ACA also had price controls - until Republicans too over Congress which was supposed to oversee it and that was the end of that.
And Alaskans receive dividends from oil revenue - or is that the UBI?
It's a big place in need of more people. Its lack of such makes it vulnerable to the impacts of economic swings. Even with oil money coming in, throwing money at building housing stock and the infastucture that goes with which may then go unused isn't necessarily the favored way of wasting it. Bottom line, they have the means to cover a relatively small pop but that stetched over a big empty place. That's a far different scale than an NYC or the Eastern Seaboard.