โPlease read allatโ; (if I sent you this, thank you for being my friend ๐); This is possibly goodbye...
I've been permabanned from MSMG and I'm trying to memechat Andrew about it but he ain't answering me (I know fine well the mf is online and sees the chats.) And I also memechatted Donald about it but of course, always being the NPC he is, he said: "ReAd ThE tOs If YoU hAvE vIoLaTeD tHe RuLeS". Mf that ain't helping ๐ญ๐ญ
But yeah. If I don't get unbanned from MSMG, then I'm leaving. It's the only stream in this shitty site that I like.
I've made so many damn memories here. I first joined MSMG back around October 2022 on an older account and the first two people I became friends with were Venus and Del (anonymously.deleted). They were genuinely both so damn nice to me and they made me feel welcome. Not long after, I made friends with Drizzy, Winter, Nar, Cinna, RynShlddn and Bombhands. I felt at home in MSMG. I started to become popular in MSMG and everything was great until March this year. I sent nudes to Yachi and she told Sauce and others, which then Sauce went on to expose me. I lost a few good friends, Yachi, Bombhands, Pyro and Logan. Logan was the bestest friend I had, he felt like a brother through the internet to me, so losing Logan hit me extremely hard. And I just about gave up on Imgflip but I came back and gave it one more shot and I ended up making new friends and reconnecting with old friends. Thank you for everything MSMG and I hope this ain't the end.
Your friend, shitposter and mate, EmotheSnake. P.S. Here are a few of my old temps: