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DO IT | SO YOUR A FAN OF POKEMON; NAME ANYONE OF THEM BESIDES THE STARTERS | image tagged in gru gun | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
398 views 12 upvotes Made by SpookyGuy444 2 years ago in Pokemon_stream
Gru Gun memeCaption this Meme
2 ups, 2y,
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bidoof lechonk wooper clodsire wooloo zigzagoon helioptile keklion clampearl garchomp registeel regirock regidrago regice regi-whatever-the-normal-type-one-is regieleki-or-however-you-pronounce-it houndour/doom litleo dragonite flygon quilladin-wait-that-ones-a-starter bibarel flamigo spritz axew haxorus deino slither-wing meowth persian crucifixo ghastly haunter gengar spiritomb sandygast palosand unfeasent tranquill pidove pidgey pidgeoto pidgeot wurmple cascoon silcoon dustox beautifly eevee vaporeon(sigh) flareon jolteon sylveon umbreon espeon calyrex urshifu kubfu toxitricity toxel greaveard houndstone misdreavus kleavor scyther goomy goodra sligoo scizor sneasel weavile zacian zamazenta dubwool pooper tinkatink tinkatuff tinkaton rookidee corvisquire corvinight feesh garydos basculin basculegion fraxure ralts kirlia no galade doduo dodrio Taurus magcargo oranguru zarude stantler wyrdeer tediursa ursarang ursaluna geodude graveler golem landorus thundorus gustorus-or-what’s-its-name leafeon glaceon frigibax arctibax baxcalibur bombirdier tatsugiri dondozo nidorin nidorino nidoking nidoqueen riolu lucario palafin pansage pansear panpour mankey primape annihalape dunsparce dudunsparce
0 ups, 2y
1 up, 2y
1 up, 2y,
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0 ups, 2y
*jaw drop*
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0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y,
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0 ups, 2y,
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I just realised im dumb, *toxapex
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you tried
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y
amoonguss, foongus, brute bonnet
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y
Skwovet Greedent Rookidee Corvisquire Corviknight Gossifleur Eldegoss Sizzlipede Centiskorch Chewtle Drednaw Indeedee Eiscue Stonjourner Sirfetch’d Zacian Zamazenta Eternatus Kubfu Urshifu Zarude Calyrex Glastrier Spectrier Nickit Thievul Yamper Boltund Runerigus Silicobra Sandaconda Arctozolt Dracozolt Arctovish Dracovish Blipbug Dottler Orbeetle
That’s all of the ones introduced in Gen 8 that I can remember off the top of my head
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0 ups, 4mo
lickitung sandshrew sandslash
0 ups, 2y
Skeledirge, Golduck, Deoxys, Arceus, Pikipek, Entei, Ditto, Lokix.
0 ups, 2y,
3 replies
off the top of my head:
gible gabite garchomp, magnemite magneton magnezone, honedge doublade aegislash, ratata raticate, wurmple cascoon silcoon dustox beautifly, caterpie, kakuna beedrill, mothim, liligant, lilipup, flaafy ampharos, baxcalibur, sygilliph, darumaka darumacho, krookodile, yamask cof*grigus, simisage, simipour, simisear , magikarp gyarados, trubbish garbodor, zebstrika, hoho, lugia, gimmighoul goldhengo, geodude golem, zubat golbat crobat, woobat swoobat, roggenrola, onix steelix, electabuzz electivire, magmortar, eevee leafeon sylveon flareon espeon umbreon glaceon vaporeon jolteon, meowth perserker, braviary, riolu lucario, combee vespiquen, machop machoke machamp, goldeen, flamigo, wooper quagsire clodsire, zekrom, reshiram, giratina, palkia, dialga, arceus, mesprit, azelf, necrozma, kyurem, lunala, solgaleo, eiscue, registeel, regirock, regice, regicrago, regigigas, genesect, meloetta, hoopa, groudon, kyogre, watchog, rayquaza, suicune entei, zapdos, raiku, moltres, articuno, mew, mewtwo, porygon, porygon 2 porygon-Z, motisma, gengar gastly haunter, goomy, luxray shinx, manectric, zangoose, arbok, koffin, weezin, zigzagoon, obstagoon, linoone, probopass, abomasnow frosslass snowrunt, mandibuzz, morpeko, grimmsnarl, voltorb eletrode, darkrai, ferrothorn, kubfu, dragonair dragonite, volcarona, tyranitar, bergmite avvalugg, scuther scizor kleavour, sneasel weavile sneasler, wyrdeer, basculin basculegion, dusklops dusknoir duskull, drifloon drifblim, starly staraptor staravia, abra, kadabra, alakazam, eelektross, wattrel, forrestress, ting-lu, chien-pao, koraidon, miraidon, yveltal, zygarde,xerneas, rockidee, tinkatin tinkaton, corviknight, munchlax snorlax, roselia roserade budew, lopunny, ralts kirlia gardevoir galade, venomoth, aerodactyl, zacian, zamazenta, eternatos, manaphi, phione, ferroseed, ditto, ryhorn rhyperior, glalie, bisharp, armaldo, victini, elekid, salazzle,

I could go on but I would need to actually think about it (and translate some since I play mostly in french, which has a diffferent name for almost every pokemon, like ditto is metamorph in french)
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0 ups, 2y
what the-
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0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y,
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did it just censor cof*grigus or am I bad at typing?
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1 reply
it did! lol what?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
it has the f slur in the middle of it that’s why
1 up, 2y
0 ups, 2y
Leavanny Sneasler Sneasel Weavile Klingklang Chandelure Electross Garchomp Arcanine Lilligant Voltorb Togekiss Corsula Giratina Audino Mimikyu
Just to name a few
0 ups, 2y
Brute Bonnet
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
You should not have done that
Electrode diglet Nidoran Mankey
Venusaur rattatta fearow pidgey
Seaking jolteon dragonite gastly
Ponyta vaporeon Poliwrath butterfree
Venomoth poliwag nidorino golduck
Ivysaur grimer victreebell moltress
Nidoking farfetchd abra jigglypuff
Kingler rhyhorn clefable wigglytuff
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 11mo
Chingling that s firs pt one I thought of for some reason I don’t even like him
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
0 ups, 2y
I think you meant Lunatone. There's no Pokemon called Lunaris.
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y
0 ups, 2y
I'll go for the "people-don't-know-I-Exist" points. Porygon2. That exact spelling. No, I didn't forget the space.
0 ups, 2y,
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Aegislash, kommo-oh, cofargius, amoongus, miraidon, zacian
1 up, 2y,
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A m o g u s
0 ups, 2y,
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That's not a fricking pokemon
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
amoongus sound like amogus, just to be specific
0 ups, 2y
Paplo, a scrapped Pokemon.
0 ups, 2y
alolan raichu
Gru Gun memeCaption this Meme
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