Hakai was in a field, a grassland of some sort, and she felt happy. She had her brother with her but suddenly her brother was stabbed in the back. She screamed in fear and suddenly her brother was dragged away. She quickly ran from the fields with tears in her eyes thinking her brother's death was her fault. Suddenly she heard a familar yet terrifying voice call out for her.
"Aiko..." The voice called out
Hakai kept running as she tried to get as far away from the scene as possible. Suddenly she heard her brother scream in pain and anguish. She looked behind her to see her brother dead with several knife wounds and then she suddenly hit into something metallic. Hakai looked up to see a new form of the Exotic creator... the War creator. She quickly tried to run away but suddenly a ring of fire ignited around them, Hakai quickly reached where her sword would be but there was nothing. The War creator laughed as the fire was fueled by 15 collector plushies. The War creator grabbed Hakai by her neck and pulled it arm with the sword back and then suddenly thrusted the sword at her when she suddenly woke up and screamed.