On ur reply on love:
Yes of course! Love is essential to marriage. Marriage is impossible without love. But you have to understand that it has to be a good love.
In the English language it is a bit tricky. Real love is defined as "Willing the good of another" which can defined into smaller subgroups (50 approximately; Agape, Philios, etc). But the problem is MANY people define love as "What makes me feel good."
In marriage the four main types of love are necessary, those being Agape (Charitable Love, willing one good above all things), Storge (Affectionate Love, familiar things that one likes, family for instance. More examples of Storge from "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis.
"It lives with humble, un-dress, private things; soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, the thump of a sleepy dog’s tail on the kitchen floor, the sound of a sewing-machine…”
Then the other two loves, Philia (Love of friendships, or "brotherly love," a love where two individuals share something in common.), and finally Eros (Romantic Or Sexual Love, which Philia can develop into between a man and woman.
But in a homosexual relationship you can never develop Eros (sexual love), as it is impossible, despite what someone in a homosexual relationship might say. Remember the base definition of love, "Willing the good of another." Just to perform a sexual act does not mean you have Eros. This also goes for a heterosexual relationship. Just because you have a sexual act doesn't mean Eros (willing good in a sexual way) and it just becomes Lust, which is essentially what most people define as love. The "What makes me feel good" returns. Same in a homosexual relationship. Except It can never be true sexual love, Eros, willing the good of another in a romantic or sexual way.
So in conclusion, homosexuality cannot work. The ability to bring new life is impossible (the purpose of marriage) and it also impossible to have an Eros type love for one another (absolutely essential)