Collector was trying to come up with a plan, he had never fought a being truly equal to him before. But suddenly, a powerful beam hit void, it was the devourer. With Astra commanding it.
Void tried to attack the devourer, but it dodged every one of his attacks, while Astra sent more blasts of energy flying at void. Even though it likely didn't do much damage, it distracted void long enough for collector to prepare a counterattack.
A ring of blue light surrounded void, firing beams of energy at him from all sides. Nearly all of them hit, but void kept that same lifeless stare, and kept attacking.
He broke the ring with a blast of purple light, and it reformed back into the collector.
V01d: 4LL 0F Y0U W1LL F4LL T0 MY P0W3R
The entire area was engulfed in purple light, the devourer protected Astra and inku from the blast but was knocked unconscious in the process, and fell to the fractured planet.
Collector created a shield of crystals, and was unharmed.
Suddenly void's crystal began flickering, along with collector's crystal. Both were disobeying them.
Collector was sent flying into the surface of the fractured planet, but void was able to resist his crystal's will.
V01d: N0! N0T N0W! N0T AFT3R 4LL OF TH1S T1M3!
collector's crystal began cooperating again, but void's continued to resist.