Except nobody is banning books. You were told to be mad about banning books and now you are. Good boy! Would you like a milkbone before going to the vet to get neutered? You have no interest in what is really going on. Hell, you haven't even understood the meme!
You did a records request to try to confirm the opinion that was given to you. Surprise! It worked! You found no boogeyman at your school, so by extension, there is no boogeyman at any other school. Nobody has tried to slip questionable books into your library because it would have shown up in your records search...oh wait it wouldn't. By the same token, because you have never (presumably) been sexually abused, it never happens to anybody. Since you have never had cancer (presumably), cancer is just a nonexistant boogeyman.
Oh wait! An article in newsweek about sexually explicit books on school shelves. I guess it actually has happened. Took less than 5 minutes. Which would make you willfully ignorant. It's not that you don't know, it's that you don't want to know.