You know that one person people love to hate for no legit reason other than it's the popular thing to do?
I have an employee at my store like that. Really nice guy, smart, gentle, young, makes great food, etc.
I have four older employees (all older than me, almost twice my age), 3 of them women, 1 your typical old man. One of the women is my boss, who is extremely sexist and had a huge double standard when it comes to allocating work between male and female employees. Oftentimes when we got a full staff, the women will be found in the office talking, on their phones, not even paying attention to customers. One of them is so addicted to her phone that I literally couldn't ask her to do anything because she'd play me off without even looking up from her screen. She will literally be on her phone for her full 8 hour shift, and I can't say anything about it.
Where the nice guy comes in is this, he's a bit lonely and unlike the others who check social media on their phones, he reads books. If he takes a break to sit down for literally 5 minutes or wants to take a smoke break like 2 other employees are allowed to do, he gets yelled at and berated, called lazy and stupid ALL THE TIME by the people who will say it while sitting down talking about girl stuff. Anything that went wrong or didn't get done, they blamed him for.
He came to me in tears one night because they repeatedly bullied him for doing things that they did 10x worse and he wanted to quit. I was well aware of their behavior and tried to calm it prior to no avail. Finally I had enough and after discussing with the GM insisted to confiscate the one lady's phone and hold everyone to the same standard of both work ethic and attitude, while simultaneously stop picking on him.
Since then I got lectured and lashed out by all 4 of those employees about it and before I even get a chance to explain my reasoning, they interrupt me, say I'm wrong and immediately blame the nice guy. Meanwhile while they all (save for the GM) work under me, they refused to do anything I asked them to do, saying they only take orders from my boss, even when I'm in charge for that shift. I finally got to explain it to the old guy and instead of acknowledging anything, he still blamed the nice guy and told me to go home, look in a mirror, and find things I could change about myself.
I told the GM off right there and said I was looking for a new job, for myself and nice guy.