A 50 parts per million increase in CO2 attributed to mankind burning fossil fuels is said to destroy the planet. We must "follow the science!!!" This is a 1/100th scale drawing of the atmosphere which is 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and the remaining 1% is mostly argon and other gases such as helium, ozone, methane, CO2, etc. each dot represents 100 parts per million.
CO2 is colorless, odorless and transparent, so it is fascinating that a transparent gas is "reflecting" heat back to earth. The law of equilibrium then would prove that an equal amount of heat would be reflected back to space.
CO2 is not uniformly distributed through the atmosphere, with heaviest concentrations downwind of rain forests and areas with heavy concentrations of decaying plant matter (up to 1800 ppm). CO2 is also most concentrated within about 1500 feet of earth's surface, not teh upper reaches of the troposphere, conveniently where plants use photosynthesis to liberate the two oxygen atoms from the "deadly" carbon which is converted into sugars that make up the structure of the plant. The carbon based lifeform plant then feeds other carbon based lifeforms which make up the ecosystem of the planet earth.
That's just proven science.