"Generally doesn't happen" stop being so full of lies, your groups go after people all the time for not bowing down to you all the time and call them all sorts of horrible things such as 'nazi' 'fascist', etc. Even accusing them of 'genocide' even when they did nothing of the sort, you are just like petulant child over something you disagree with. Your groups even tried to come after the superbowl for not pandering to you enough. Doxxing people for having a different opinion, having screeching 'protests' over someone saying something you don't agree with, trying to silence comedians for making jokes you don't like, harassing Chick-fil-A minimum wage employees and diners. Having people arrested for not saying pronouns. You are nothing but a miserable toxic, petty little asshole accusing people of wanting to violate your rights when that's actually what you want on other people when you lash out at people for not agreeing with you on certain stances and vilifying them as all sorts of horrible things. You need to grow up and stop being brainwashed by hateful partisan leftist ideologies that are all about division and hating anyone who doesn't agree with even a few of the party's stances.