*Collector stand up*
Shi: So all good?
Death: Is he-
*the Earth trembled*
Collector: He is coming back, and fast, we probably have a few hours
Death: Ok *walks away*
*Suddenly images flashed in Collector’s mind*
*They were images showing The Traveler with a sword through his chest, blood dripping out of his mouth*
*Collector snaps back*
Shi: All good?
*Gabriel goes to sit down on a chair*
Collector: Yeah yeah… Let’s focus on a plan
*Shi runs and grabs some paper*
*He puts the papers on the table and Collector grabs some pens, and starts writing math equations*
-after some time-
Gabriel: So you guys done or not?
Collector: Kinda
*suddenly a storm breaks out*
*There is knocking on the door*
*After a few seconds of silence the door breaks open*
Shi: WTF
*they both go running to the front door*
*they see a man in a brown hood*
Collector: It cant be
*the guy in the hood steps into the house and collapses on the floor*
*the storm stops*
Collector: Who is he
*Shi goes closer and turns him around*
Collector: *runs to the guy* Traveler?!
Shi: That guy?
*Collector grabs him and runs in a bedroom, he puts traveler on a bed*
Death: *walks in* Whats all this cha- OH SHIT, THOSE ARE VERY BAD INJURIES
*he runs in*
*grabs some medical equipment*
Death: I never told ya guys i knew medicine did i?
*he starts operating*
-After a long while-
Collector: Finished?
Death: Yeah, but he wont be able to recover for a very long while
*The air trembled, the sky turned red*
*Shi went running out*
Collector: Stay here
*He runs outside*
He: It’s over
*he is holding the second Seal*
Collector: *tries to teleport* W-What?
He: Heh
*The Seal opens, and so does the Earth*
*He disappears with the Seal*
When the He opened the second seal, they heard the second living being cry out, "Come." Then a horse came out, fiery red. Power was given to him who sat on it to take peace from the earth so that they would slaughter one another, and a great sword was given to him.
War: I shall show all of you the true power!
*Suddenly an army even bigger than Conquest’s appeared*
Collector: Oh come on
Death: Im sorry collector but i cant stay and watch!
*Shi and Death run into battle and start fighting*
*Collector sees Gabriel slowly walk to backyard, Gabriel puts a finger on his mouth, saying to not to say anything to the others*
*Collector ran into battle, helping the 2*
*War on his horse came galloping towards them*
*War then jumped off his horse