I'm saying the phrase "raise awareness" is so old it's mummified, we're all aware, everyones aware. You say the kids are being indoctrinated into hate at home I say they're being indoctrinated into the gay lifestyle at school, that's when the teacher isn't having sex with them. That's a disagreement that could and should be debated, but no debate on any of the left vs. right issues is allowed, the left is correct, they have the correct opinion, everybody better be on board with it and those who aren't are subversive militia types who want to "tear down our democracy" and therefore their opinion doesn't matter, because the left (nazi 4th Reich) have the correct opinion, and everyone else better have it too. But we're aware, we're more than aware, that the sexual kinkoid brigade likes to start young introducing kids to the sexual world to come and getting them primed to try each one of the 51 flavors at Baskin Robbins until they decide which one they like best (if they're not dead of an STD and drug abuse by 30).