Yup. All that. I’m a nondualist meaning we are the many faces of god. We are god in human clothes.
The same nothing (spirit) looking out from behind your eyes and using your senses to taste, touch, heart and see, is the same nothing looking out from behind everybody’s eyes.
I was raised Catholic with catholic school etc. At 42 years old I had a spiritual awakening. For the last nine years I’ve worked on further developing Christ / Krishna consciousness, Buddha nature, universal big mind, awareness etc etc.
Deeper and deeper I go into 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 which is aware of the mind.
Christ said I Am the Light.
We are all 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 light. Each of us the light which lights up the world.
Awareness, which appears shared but is 1, is 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 Christ referred to.
That which we all appear to share, but is one. In Hinduism, they say not one not two.
Awareness has never changed, it is neither male nor female, it is pure, clear, and always on, even in deep sleep.
In my meditation practice last year, I was able to achieve what’s called the Turiya state where I was able to maintain and stay as awareness while the body / mind slept.
Basically, I, awareness, stayed aware, awake and on (the light) while I the body slept.
It was a profound experience and yet it is the everyday experience at all times.
Years of contemplative prayer and deep meditation practices along with many psychedelic experiences have made me realize my true nature as awareness.
Disidentifying with the body and mind and identification with and as awareness is what every spiritual teacher has been saying.
Adyashanti is my primary teacher / guru the last 4 years. Did 3 day retreat last month. Phenomenal experience. 𝑰 𝑨𝒎.