▶️ ".MoonMan. <1h
We all know that you'd be targeted in any Fascist state. And the fact that vermin like you hate Fascism is all the more reason for me to support it."
⬛ Target the very ones they worship whose history they had to borrow for validation much as you do me, that nature so thoroughly ingrained into your genetic makeup you instinctively writhe for my attention?
I am of the first ones, direct from the ancients, your domesticators, blood of the noble ones, your gods.
Ahh, yes, you, the last remants of what had been nearly wiped out of your own homeland, gleefully subjugating yourself to your overlords who had castoff most of y'all to here because sometimes, maybe, just maybe, you're right and your legacy has been extinction - for a reason.
From what is now Ukraine to Spain to Italy to Ireland, all that's left of your culture and language are some street names in the British Isles and cutesy slang so you can pretend there's at least a smidgen of an aspect of what once was yourselves still left in those quaint heath covered hills that your occupiers found too dreary to be arsed to live in.
Enjoy the crowning of your king tomorrow, laddie, and may the English not erase your atrophied identity completely for years to come.
Heck the only people in Europe Dolphy didn't even bother nagging about nor invading because there was nothing to be had but sheep. Flocks of sheep. Let that sink in. You weren't even on his radar. Not even a blip.