This is missing so much nuance it’s laughable.
North Korea was bombed so heavily by the U.S. during the 50s that 90% of their infrastructure was decimated and 25% of their population was killed, and that was before they were sanctioned so harshly that they couldn’t even buy medicine from other countries, while South Korea enjoys diplomatic, military and economic support from the U.S. Despite this, there are North Korean defectors wanting to return to their country. No, really, you can easily search this up, though sources that confirm this still has bourgeoisie brain worms.
The USSR failed due to Gorbachev and was the world’s second largest economic superpower with a military even bigger than the U.S.’s by then.
If it is all fair and square that Western Europe under capitalism would prosper while Eastern Europe wouldn’t, why did the U.S. feel the need to act on The Marshall Plan back then?