"The whole idea of natural selection is based around having more children than you necessarily need to increase the chance of at least one of your off spring holding some allele which is better for your environment to help better the genome"
More or less. I'll grant that.
"Because of this women's evolutionary purpose is simply to reproduce and are not meant to work in competitive environments because it's much more effective for them to simply work as vessels for conceiving the more vigorous amongst the males' offspring"
That's not an evolutionary principle, it's a social one. What if women working in competitive environments have more opportunities to be around men, giving them more potential mates to choose from?
"Because if a male can prove themself as the better man and then impregnate several women at least one of those women would be healthy and if any of those women had some undesirable traits carried into their children, the children would be culled by natural selection either way."
Undesirable traits are somewhat subjective. What one person sees as an undesirable trait another person may see as desirable. Also, undesirable traits may not be obvious or perceptible to potential mates, early on or even at all.
"So basically, a females evolutionary purpose is to reproduce which means that in makes no sense to have some sort of infallible right to terminating a pregnancy"
The rest of your comment doesn't even mention terminating a pregnancy, so it doesn't really tie into that.