I think a Ru**ian hacker has hacked Fak_u_lol's account and is posting pro-Ru**ian propaganda to distract us from the real news (Kylie Jenner is dating Timmy Chalamet).
IT WUZ DA RUSSIANS! Dude just let our loved ones rest in peace instead of desecrating their memory with baseless accusations like this; >LEMMINO's documentary on MH370 on Youtube is way better than this dumpster fire; >Claims Russian agents could hack the plane's control and steering mechanisms from the electronics bay (they can't); >"Evidence" begins and ends with the fact that three passengers on MH370 were ethnic Russians, only one of whom was even a Russian citizen; >Claims Russia staged the disappearance to distract from the annexation of Crimea and the shooting down of MH17 by pro-Russia separatists, even though MH370 disappeared before MH17 got shot down; >Is obviously exploiting anti-Russian sentiment from the invasion of Ukraine to make a ridiculous theory