The story of how feeling out of place to begin with layered with heaps of hate from tons of others who wish to literally elminate you from this world actually might have some effect on your psychological well being?
Tell me, who would have a higher inclination towards suicide, a magazine cover reality tv star Jenner or someone kicked out of their house at the age of 13 for being of the same nature?
You ARE aware that there were people of homosexual tendencies in the Death Camps, no?
Oh, that's right, you don't. They had to wear pink triangles patches.
Try looking things up that the entire planet except you knows next time, k?
Yes and there are no 0 zip ziltch transgendered in concentration camps today - stop acting like there is. Your comment makes no sense what so ever. Talk about derp derpity derpderp.
Who was or wasn't in concentration camps is not the point, Modda said that people are trying to "wipe transgendered off the planet" , that is why they have a high suicide rate. That is blatantly false. No one is trying to wipe conservatives off the planet and no one is trying to wipe transgendered off the planet. Disagreeing with someone is not wiping them off the planet. Making fun of someone is not wiping them off the planet. The jews were being wiped off the planet - trying to say the transcommunity has it just has bad as the jews in 1940s is so unbelievably false and offensive , it is mind blowing.
Conservatives are not committing suicide at a 50% rate. What point are you trying to make about conservatives in concentration camps? I know many were very religous , which could be considered conservative. So whats your point ?
higher rate? 86% think about it and 40 -50 % attempt it. There is only 2 other groups that have that rate, bi polar manic depressives and schizophrenics.
btw you can say anything you like to me, anything at all, you'll never hurt me or even upset me.. I do not care because I don't care about you .. I don't know you .. I would not know you if we passed each other in the store.. so How could some nobody that has no bearing on my life use a word to hurt me? See what I mean.. the same goes for me and you - how can i hurt you when I mean nothing to you? The only perons that can hurt me is my wife because Ilove and repsect her. People need to stop caring what other people think.