The similarities between this long-ago deleted user and BritishMormon are so numerous at this point - including about core policies like the rampant LGBTQphobia (making LGBTIQA+ memes nsfw, even a pride flag). Other items: the near-identical political quiz results & political bingo cards, the modding of the same streams, the similar political base of barely-active users, the lack of a funny-bone, the bickering over obscure trivia, the overall cringe factor.
Personally, I wouldn't care if he just admitted his identity and said that he's come back a changed man. What disturbs me is the fact that he's IncognitoGuy and constantly lies about it. He's been playing games for months and would have made a bunch more alts before May 2022 when he settled on being a Mormon for some reason. This has created a dynamic here of gaslighting and definitely undermines overall interest and activity in the stream. Our stream has rather lost activity and I had to resurrect the stream with some stuff going on alongside with Surly and co.
Alt-accounting doesn't violate TOS, even users who do have an alt know that.
But repeatedly and brazenly lying about not being a formerly-deleted user, in order to stage a comeback in this esoteric roleplay politics game? It sure provides ample justification for an impeachment, within the rules of the game, for removal from office, for future disqualification from being in power until at least early 2023.
Not to mention, by Slobama's count, 5/5 Community Mods who pay any attention to this stream (including 2 recently-promoted ones, RMK and SurlyKong69) think you're IG. Even Scar made a statement saying that BritishMormon is IncognitoGuy ( )
Regardless of whether BritishMormon has suddenly changed religions or not (from Catholicism to Mormonism), his arch-conservative dogmatism and Christian Nationalism views have barely changed.
Some evidence: (see “Incognito guy may be running out of material but I'm not.”)