This was a very difficult decision, but if the people really do overwhelmingly, unanimously support it, as you claim they do, then I'll sign it.
Let's hope this doesn't turn into another drama-laden nightmare.
You're welcome. I was actually questioning about it, but MoonMan wants to play games with us, just like IncognitoGuy. Despite them being very different with their memeing styles, MoonMan is basically IncognitoGuy Lite
Good ol moon man has somewhat of a reputation around here for being a not-see aficionado who runs 144 accounts for trolling purposes. So if you find an account "impersonating" moon man's style... it might be one if his alts.
The people have spoken. The people are overwhelmingly in favor of banning Moon_man AND his alt accounts for attempting to circumvent the constitution's no alting rules. I'll hand the bill over to the president to sign or veto and ban only the alt and not the original account for the time being while the president and courts have their say.