Can we just reflect on how many families have been broken, youth led astray, lives ruined because of this one instrument? The gateway drug into so much sin. As soon as young “Taylor” picked up a guitar, it was all over for her. #notevenonce
Crooning/brooding over something. It’s not ladylike for a woman to be to sad unless she’s in mourning for husband or child. (She’s not married, no children)
Jesus would not want you to control when a woman is allowed to be sad. I have traditional values. I love Jesus. I am a stay at home, homeschooling mother but the fact that you think you have the right to determine when a woman should express sadness is messed up. I know that my savior is big enough to handle all my emotions and that he holds everyone of my tears in his hand. You disgust me. Am I not permitted to mourn for my dead mother or just my husband and children. Ugh.
This one might seem at first glance to be modest and ladylike, well that’s where you’re wrong kiddo because it relates to the very fact that she’s singing in public at all when she should be at home with the kids (8 homes, no kids)