August 18th, 2019
The 3rd Generation (I'm assuming we're in the 7th now) That was the first image I ever made using this site, me and my friend I were goofing around making memes, and this was the very first meme I ever made.
and, at the time, it got some laughs. I showed it to friends at school and they all laughed at it.
So, I made more, figured out how to upload memes, and then submitted a Goku meme to the Anime Stream (
Then after some more Submissions I met TheBC124
an absolute Legend. He made the Pokemonlore stream w/ (at the time) Blaze The Blaziken (They're now known as and they were my very first friends on imgflip.
and Spartan is still my friend. they're an amazingly talented person and should get more acknowledgment than they do now.
But it was grand
I started the RolePlay Stream (yes I'm the guy who made that) and met the best friends I could ever have!!!
BC, Vik (Spartan), Borderline_Psycotic, Frozz, Chez, and Luniex (Red Rako)
We have what is still today, the BEST roleplay ever on imgflip
I, to this day, haven't read a roleplay better than that.
The Action, the Drama, the story, and the characters.
It's peak fiction (maybe a bit biased in that)
Sadly, when Covid hit, it hit us all
and since then it hasn't continued... and while we did have Google Hangouts... we all just drifted apart
Then, My MSMG Era.
I quickly became a well-known and great Moderator of this place. and it was grand. for a whole year I was one of the Owners. and it's also where I met my best friend. CloudFox aka, ZiZiDoodles. a talented artist, an amazing story writer, and an even better friend. and with her help I climbed to the top fairly quickly
A lot of the major changes I've made are no longer in effect but they were helpful for the time being
And I solved one of the Arkuums fairly quickly while 90% of the server was blaming someone else. (It was Spire and all the evidence says so, and no one can tell me otherwise (I'm looking at you Spire-)) (Evidence if you want it
And that was my peak. then I sorta fell off