Hahaha yeah I'm sure all major brands represented in Iran, like Coke, McDs, etc..run adds all over with gay pride flags just like they do here during pride month🤓. Sure they fly a 50 ft gay pride flag right over Tehran and color all the theocracy's shrines with rainbow lights just like they do the capitol building here. Look bud, you are dangerously ignorant and self destructive if you think 1000s of gays sache' down the street in costumes, scantily clad, sis-boom-bah-ing to rave tunes in some sort of incredible "the purge" like ONE glorious day a year when the mullahs forget all the islamofascism they shove down the throats of the people the rest of the 364 days a year, and suspend the illegality(which is often punishable by death) of homosexuality. Maaaaaybe they celebrate some pathetic semblance of a gay pride day somewhere there. But Ill bet you a dollar to a baklava it is not widespread and not 100s of people. Much less 10000s.