You dropped the word 'liberal' in your initial response.
Adams identifies as liberal yet you don't believe him, so that's on you. You said liberals can be racist, but you don't believe he's a liberal... He lives in California, and not in a poor white area. White conservatives are often middle/lower middle working class, or poor. Can't afford to move to mostly white areas. Best they can do is the trailer park a mile from the black neighborhoods. A lot live out in rural areas already, not a lot of black people there. If there's any white flight, it's Democrat voting white liberals getting out of blue areas like most cities, where many black people reside, and they're moving out to Texas or Colorado.
"White flight" itself is a lazy term to use in this context, and it was used to describe large amounts of white people moving from the urban areas to suburban areas post-WWII and to ascribe racism as the root cause of it is to not take into account the various reasons for people moving to suburbs, mainly the desire to move to less populous areas where crime is lower than in cities, concerns of tax burdens, wanting to move out of noisy, stinky apartments, some moved due to racism, I'm sure. It also applies to the work drying up in the rust belt and those who could move out of those areas, did, leaving behind many who couldn't afford to. We all know why the work dried up *cough* government *cough*