And there lies the issue: We can't tax them, we can't raise wages. Every time their profit is pinged, they increase the wage gap to placate the masses. This is like the blob game: you accrue more and more businesses and more and more subsidiaries until you literally own everything. We're already at the point where we are dependent on some corporations for infrastructure to remain intact e.g. Amazon, Comcast, etc. Once you start owning all the stores, who's going to tell you "no?" The government? The one that "has you by the balls?" You just laugh and decide to go overseas for cheaper labor.
Laws will be put into place then that say it costs you more to do that, then you just put what we have now: shifts that go right under the acceptance level for health insurance, high turnover, many small shifts among the lower and poverty class that requires them to spend well over the recommended amount of their net income on rent. It *should* be 33% People making 50k (average) are paying that in rent *now*. Guess what? 50k is still considered middle class. Yeah... it may have been 10 years ago. Now it's nearing the poverty line. To get that, you *need* a college education. So now, you're forced into slave wages anyway as you spend your * E N T I R E L I F E * paying it off. (Referring to a life as a span of 20 years, and entire is obviously stretched.) Meanwhile you need to make ANOTHER L I F E T I M E loan to get a house. And a car loan. Meanwhile you're saving money for your kids to go to college because you now make too much money to have your kids attend college through FAFSA.
Being pushed into economic slavery, I tell yas.