Very strong points. Good ones too.
I think your position addresses the immediate issue at hand, but it doesn't solve the endgame that I am talking about.
In a world of full automation, if education was free to everyone, there still wouldn't be enough jobs for all of the technicians and engineers out there. to the ratio of our population.
Marx argued that the endgame *is* automation. Just flat-out unreserved the bourgeoise controlling the means of production and labor if they can. If you can get fast-food to be fully automated, you have an employer whose food is available 24/7/365 without need for breaks, holidays or anything. Except for servincing/updates. Which, by the ratio of time worked to downtime, is but a drop in the pool.
We can't keep everyone employed at this rate. So, are we to enforce simplified labor upon businesses for people? So that people can simply have jobs? You see what I'm saying?
Best case scenario I see, is that humans are assigned to monitor the automation process for each station, which will create accidents due to the drab nature of supervising a repetitive process. THere may be novel establishments that express "Human, hand-made" products... Especially in the culinary industry, probably carpentry too. But again, not everyone can be those things for work.