Разговоры о важном (lit. “Talks about important [things]) is a new “patriotic education” by the Russian government. Although it is technically an extracurricular activity, attending these lessons is mandatory for Russian children. Not all of it is political, some of it is just benign Mother’s Day or educational stuff, but a lot of it is pushing the party line on Ukraine, like saying that
«Он важен сегодня как никогда, ведь в последние годы по воле народа в состав Российской Федерации вошли целых пять территории: Крым, Донецкая и Луганская народные республики, Херсонская и Запорожская области. Поэтому и тема нашего занятия звучит так: «Мы - одна страна!»
“These days, it [the Day of National Unity] is more important than ever, because, by the will of the people, five new territories entered the Russian Federation: Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye oblasts. This is why the topic of our lesson is: “We are one country!”
Or saying that «Счастье Родины дороже жизни.» “The happiness of the Motherland is dearer than life.” and «За Родину-мать не страшно умирать.» “It’s not scary to die for the Motherland.”
The latter is literally “the old lie, ‘Dulce et decorum est pro Patria mori.’”